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We listen to dumpsters now? BRICS comes for the US Dollar, Migrant Crisis costs to citizens and more

Published on 24 Oct 2024 / In People & Blogs

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JMGTOW 4 months ago

1:36:20 finally he arrived at the same conclusion as tfm. no one wants to admit it cuz truth sucks.

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Furioso 5 months ago

1:09:00 Joker ,you're an idiot ,she's not attacking the US ,she's attacking the US corrupt government .why american soldiers are in the middle east if they protect the american people ,huh ? They protect the free masonic satanists interests and nothing else .They protect those who are destroying the country just like the police ,FBI ,CIA etc ... and you're naive if you think otherwise .These gullible men will risk their lives for wealthy scumbags not the american people .Even if the whore wish them to have PTSD ,she says that to be viral and to wake people up ,it's a smart move on her part don't you think ? Or maybe she just want attention like all wahmen .She's right ,they're disposable tools/sacrificial sheeps ,nothing more .Cum dumpster :1 Joker: 0 what a shame .

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

Riley Reed? Back in the day, I would fucked the hell out of her like more pressure than a firemain especially in the seductive nurse Cosplay. (Not at the same time but you know like over a week or so...) Besides, o course somebody would married that! How do you think Naughty America got started? (most likely.)

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

The Joos! The Satanic Jew Globohomos don't want to save society: We defeated them in Germany when they tried to ride Germany like a knight rides a horse to "world dominion," but we are too free always mentioning the Constitution. They don't like that us bringing the sunshine and the Holy Spirit helping us. So, it's easier to destroy us: Flood the country with criminals and cannibals...

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

Hmm, why does she do it? Being cum dumpster? Uhm, it was what they were born to do... receive the cock.... It's all they do.

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