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We need to talk about male suicide | Steph Slack | TEDxFolkestone

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Published on 17 Dec 2022 / In People & Blogs

At some point in your life you’ll probably be touched by male* suicide. It’s now the biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK with 12 men taking their own lives every day.

In her challenging TEDx talk, Steph Slack shares her personal story of how losing her uncle to suicide caused her to question how we react to men who experience suicidal thoughts.

Steph asks: what if we stop seeing having suicidal thoughts as something unusual, change our stereotypical expectations of men and instead, support men who have the courage to be vulnerable with us?

What would happen if we all went home and had conversations with the men in our lives about what they’re feeling and thinking? The answer to solving today’s male suicide crisis may be simply listening to the men in our lives.

If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts or are in crisis, in the UK Samaritans operate a 24/7 helpline on 116 123 or CALM operate a helpline 5pm to midnight for men on 0800 585858.

*all those who identify as male.

Her portfolio of work focuses on three areas: the workplace (as an independent speaker and consultant advising on CR, D&I and wellbeing with a particular focus on mens' mental health and suicide awareness); schools (as Director of Who In The Zoo - a social enterprise producing a new classroom tool to help children understand and communicate their emotions); and the community (as a speaker and writer on mental health and male suicide prevention). Connect with This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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Yeah it's a tough subject.
It's one thing to be disconnected in a big city, but you really feel how devestating it is in a small community....
Everyone connects with the loss and the tragedy of it all.

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