We’re All On Trial | Grunt Speak Live
Your rights to self-defense, privacy, and even parenting your own children are on trial. Learn the facts and fight like hell.
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Every government is corrupt, if the system was built in a way that prevent corruption, the government itself
will change the system so she can be corrupt, the only solution is no ruler, anarcho-capitalism, the strong
leads by example, and if they try to forcefully take from other people property, with out agreement
(business and trading, agreements), it will be easier for the people to rebel and free themselves from
tyranny, than a government that control: huge army, police, education, money, and communication, in
anarcho-capitalism the power of violence is in everybody hands, including weapons of any kind.
Marriage was never benefit men it was always a government/religions trap to fuck men over and get
their money through the women and make them "settle down" so the men won't do an armed rebellion
against them (government/religions) because they heave a "family to think of"
NO gestapo great !!! i can protect myself and my property without fear from the gestapo(police) to come
and kill me or put me in a cage for "murdering" a "sweet and angelic" robber !!!
The one who do it is the government, women can not take your children, your money, your car or your
home without the government power, (the gestapo(police), the bank and the court). with out the
government, women can not take from men anything.!!!
The government won't protect you, you can make your own army of warriors to protect the border. the government
doesn't do anything. they extort your money and pay for the army. if no one extort you then you can arm yourself,
and a number of people can hire private army of mercenaries to protect the border and it will be cheaper and better
then the middlemen (government), who make it a lot more expensive ,complicated and inefficient.