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We want a war with Iran! Don't fall for U.S. Propaganda that's coming Redacted News

Published on 30 Aug 2024 / In News & Politics

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The U.S. is lying about weapons of mass destruction but this time in Iran. Because they want a war with Iran so badly they cannot hardly stand it.

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Toki 5 months ago

With all the military cucks online I doubt this video sits well with them. They get super offended when you call them out for being useless destroyers of everything working men create with their productive labor. While military people are welfare sponges like single moms. They want to go to Iran because they have brothels there. Why you would want to pay money to sleep with a woman. Or pay to sleep with an Arabic woman is beyond my understanding. If you're paying for it at least go for a white woman or Asian woman. Arabic women couldn't pay me to get down. Because that's what the military is all about. Driven by simps simping desperately trying to get laid with any females they can. What better way than to invade another culture, kill the men, then play cleanup cuck crew for all the women who lost their indigenous ATMs. The best part is they will try to bring a new foreign wife back home. Then complain about immigration lol. Bro you just forced-migrated to their country, killed people, stole their property for your commie overlords, then took their women. Military have no right to address immigration issues because military are the worst most violent immigrants of all.

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I never saw this before I am here now, They killed the new Ayatollah and they want war with IRAN because they don't like REAL ALPHA TALI CHADS CONTROLLING THEIR WOMEN USA WANTS TO CONTROL EVERYONE FUCK EM and they dont like SAND NIGGERS having NUKES also having those ruches in gold and oil money they can't let that happen go military dumb simps to go destroy them for BANKERS AND JEWS to profit off on and you get blown up and destroy innocent people because the Bankers and JEWS told you too fucking idiots the Smart ones got their military tips and used it to contract out for themselves, Toki that's True most Miltary is to just Kill or Fuck shite up as said by Former Marine BIG JOHN a MGTOW LEGEND \G/

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