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We're All Niggers - Idiot
Published on 02 Sep 2023 / In
Film & Animation
WOKE? Offended? Racist? - Fuck off idiot.
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This is about confronting the brain washing - from birth to death - "Oh so and so said this, so therefore I have to be a) pleased about it, or b) outraged about it".
How about choosing to only register it as a comment or an opinion... Avoid all the drama queen bullshit and in one ear and out the other....
A lot of people cannot analyise, and think about what I have said, they just react to it.
I am tired of pandering to everyone's shit and the mass manipulation behind it.... "On the News tonight - So and So is accused of saying the N word, while all the niggers and calling each other nigger 10,000 times a day".
The media plays this game extensively, "Oh black face = outrage" = Why?
It's just dressing up for fun and parties and theatrical things... Why do all the people screech "OUTRAGE - BLACK FACE!" - because they have been trained to be non thinking idiots, who react on command...
This picture isn't real. The "evolutionists" have used this image for decades (if not centuries) to ATTEMPT to "prove" their "theory" of evolution. It was a lie way back then, and it's still a lie today. Otherwise, there'd be more of "them" reproducing to this day, like the rest of the Creator's creations (Gen. 1:24). What do we have instead? Trannies asking why gynecologists don't want to examine them (Doggk).