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We're All Niggers - Idiot

Published on 02 Sep 2023 / In Film & Animation

WOKE? Offended? Racist? - Fuck off idiot.

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This is about confronting the brain washing - from birth to death - "Oh so and so said this, so therefore I have to be a) pleased about it, or b) outraged about it".

How about choosing to only register it as a comment or an opinion... Avoid all the drama queen bullshit and in one ear and out the other....

A lot of people cannot analyise, and think about what I have said, they just react to it.

I am tired of pandering to everyone's shit and the mass manipulation behind it.... "On the News tonight - So and So is accused of saying the N word, while all the niggers and calling each other nigger 10,000 times a day".

The media plays this game extensively, "Oh black face = outrage" = Why?

It's just dressing up for fun and parties and theatrical things... Why do all the people screech "OUTRAGE - BLACK FACE!" - because they have been trained to be non thinking idiots, who react on command...

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sauger1001 2 years ago

This picture isn't real. The "evolutionists" have used this image for decades (if not centuries) to ATTEMPT to "prove" their "theory" of evolution. It was a lie way back then, and it's still a lie today. Otherwise, there'd be more of "them" reproducing to this day, like the rest of the Creator's creations (Gen. 1:24). What do we have instead? Trannies asking why gynecologists don't want to examine them (Doggk).

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Well great x 10 billion trillion generations back - Mega Mars Space Germ Grand Daddy - he would agree, except fpr one thing, he doesn't.

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