Welcome to Britain 4 : The BBC
Published on 12 Jan 2021 / In
Non-profits & Activism
A production of clips across the internet exposing the BBC with its extreme leftism, white hatred and paedophilia
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I heard that "Cthulhu swims left" and it seems he and his are worldwide after seeing this.
I remember when the UK started letting muslims into the country and media silent when women where being butchered. I remember reading on a post where in spain shipping containers with weapons coming to germany was found. I think major crap is coming down the pike. And it will be the people who wake up to their civil liberties being flushed down the crapper. Here people are waking up. I say do not hang the aggressors hand also their whole parties. People in Europe should have stickers that say Make the Ottoman empire great again because that is what is going on.
Interesting video ! most west european tv channels became like that.. That's why I prefer Russian Today (RT).. They are the only ones in europe talking about stuff no one else dares to talk about !