Welcome to C40 Cities
C40 cities? Hum! Guess they can be delbt with by some C4 Explosives! I'm old but hope I live long enough to see either all this crunble around politicians feet or to be able to know I wont need to LIVE in one anyway's - I'll be DEAD and FREE. so I will for now stay as happy as possible, burn as much petrol as I can, Fart and belch as much as I can and anything else that is against their controlling FAKE environmental BULLSHIT. I didn't buy into covid and didn'rt comply with a simple home made up Lanyand arouindf my neck, so I WILL find a personal way rounsd any of this Crap as well. I wonder if they realize that by confining everyone klike this that electricity use will rocket? I guess they see the pouind sign's (£), but supply problems probably wont get addressed. I think the Elites of WEF are actually ALIENSD of a sort, because they obviously have no idea of what HUMANS can do? Trouble is with Humqans is they are often late off of the blocks. Arte they to lsate this time? I see rumbles already in Oxford. You also have to remember if these charactors are NOT elected by YOU, then you are NOT Obigated to them at all, and any attsack on you in anyway IS a decloration of WAR,m you need to get that idea into your head and learn about Sabotage methods as well. I am just to be safe! lol!
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