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Published on 25 May 2020 / In How-to & Style

I tried a new video format.. I hope you guys will like it ! Tell me what you think about it, in the comment section.
This video is a compilation of various videos of demonic possessed people mostly due to hard drug and anger !
Drugs and sins are the major things that open the door of your body & soul for evil spirits or DEMONS..

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Toki 5 years ago  

I rarely laugh but this got me man. Bravo!
The newscaster dialogue on the Dawn of the Dead would never fly in a modern film. Love it. I believe that's Ken Foree an original cast member of the first Dawn film. Remake isn't too bad.
Love how the cafeteria worker was just standing there with her smartphone tracker safety device lol. Typical weak woman.

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Doggk 5 years ago

I'm glad to see that you appreciated the video and understood the humor.. But I haven't done it only for the lol.. My main goal was to warn people about these things which are real !

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Toki 5 years ago

@Doggk: Where these recent? Because people are losing their minds thanks to the media and all the Pharma meds.

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Doggk 5 years ago

@Toki: Like I mentionned it in the description of the video : This video is a compilation of various videos of demonic possessed people mostly due to hard drug and anger ! Drugs and sins are the major things that open the door of your body & soul for evil spirits or DEMONS..

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Toki 5 years ago

@Doggk: What about marijuana? And alcohol? I've never done anything else except being a dumbass swallowing Pharma meds for part of my life. Not opiates, but all of their China drugs lol.

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Toki 5 years ago

@Doggk: The editing with the window bashing though. Oh man. That had me rolling because I know those X of the Dead films.

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Doggk 5 years ago

@Toki: Marijuana and alcohol too brother.. If you drink too much alcohol it will be the same as taking these chinese or hard drugs.. Marijuana is different, if it's natural it won't bring you in such state.. If you consume like once or twice in the week it won't affect you that much if you stop.. But if you abuse from the substance like everyday 2-3 joints or more and the day you don't have anymore weed + no money to buy it.. Then anger, anxiety issues can result from a lack of THC in your blood.. And by that way let a demon make it worse for you if you let anger or anxiety take over yourself.. Synthetic weed will 100 % open a door to these demons.. There are many cases which involved that kind of weed and crazy behaviors..

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Doggk 5 years ago

@Toki: Lol yeah it was funny for me too when I had to put everything together, I laughed all the time ^^ But the reason I've put these movies in the video.. Is to show that there's no difference between these zombies and the possessed people behaviors..

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Toki 5 years ago

@Doggk: Oh don't worry. Quit drinking years ago and know how to manage the weed. Stupidest things I have ever done in my life involved alcohol. Chinese drugs = Pharma meds. Because they are made in China hilariously enough. For USSA citizens lol.

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Doggk 5 years ago

@Toki: Mine too bro... Alcohol is very dangerous if you don't know how to consume safely.. Ah ok for Europe it's different some are made in China some in Europe itself..

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AngryCoffee 5 years ago

This is our reality and what we made for ourselves. Have fun with that Ill be on my way to not any one's concern. A train trip a day keeps the lunatic at bay.

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Councilof1 5 years ago

I don't see too crazy junkie's but OD's from opiates/opioids is off the scale here. I walk around my city quitea bit. Usually I see one OD per week. Worse week I saw eight OD's in a week. And that's why I don't do hard drugs.

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Johnny_Cage 5 years ago

Sounds bad, but opiates are the preferrable drug for public safety than meth or PCP or ketamine, etc. An upper will send people into a murderous, adrenaline-fueled rage where all their inner darkness comes out. Opiates just makes sure the fucking degenerate, dead-weight of society just never wake up. Much less property damage and violence that way. I have a feeling that's why the gov't is not really trying to stop all the fentanyl-laced one-hit-to-quit-this-life shit. The British and U.S. heavily profited from the First and Second Opium Wars where they made drug-addicts out of most of China's citizens. Now China makes deadly opiates like fentanyl and oxycodone and profits from the pain and misery of Western addicts. Very karmic exchange playing out, but you have to be astute and know your history to see it.

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Toki 5 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: White Gold in the Middle East. The other real reason why the USSA is always trying to control the Arid Badlands.

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Radical_panda 5 years ago

not again lovely peeches

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