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Well-Endowed 304 Does Not Care About Her Genetic Line

Published on 14 Jan 2023 / In Comedy

Sorry for not posting yesterday. I spent the entire day helping my son with schoolwork and sleeping.
Therefore, today, I will post two videos. Here's the first one. Enjoy!

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“The oaths of a woman I inscribe on water.” - Sophocles

"If you allow them to achieve complete equality with men, do you think they will be easier to live with? Not at all. Once they have achieved equality, they will be your masters." - Cato the Elder

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That woman who is posing away on "OnlyFans" - well she is totally self centered and a malignancy in the life of her children.

Is this the way she is or is she the product of a difficult enviroment?
Some women, just don't give a fuck about anyone except themselves.

Could she be re-educated? Is she just hard wired this way?
Or would punishment be an appropriate outcome?

Would she improve or would she just keep right on going - business as usual?

There is also the other thing - the people that view her material - and then run around gossiping about it and then pick on her children in the school yard about this - are about the lowest form of shit kickers that you can find on the planet and these arsehole kids, are just like their arsehole parents - AND as one prominent Queens Council (top notch Australian lawyer) said, there were three bigger kids that used to beat him up on the way home from school.... but one day he figured out that he could not beat all three of them in a fight but he could beat them one on one.... AND they could not remain in their group of three, all the time, in all places...

So he went after them - on a one on one basis - after they had split up.

And he flogged all of them......

He worked out how to "game the system" into his favour.

And those big kids picking on the little kid.... If I was that little kid, those bigger kids would be getting beaten very badly....

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