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Well What a Surprise

Published on 15 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation

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mrghoster 3 months ago

That's high up and is all femon's. Have you been to your local Council Office lately? It's all fucking FEMON's I sick of the sight of these CUNT's. My council is Leftist Labour now so all the CUNTs have multi color hair, It wouldn't surpice me is half of them are trannies? They look like Trannies as well? And all they seem to do is sit there on their fucking smartphones. Until MEN find a way of getting the REAL power back we are ALL fucked if it doesn't change soon?

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 months ago

Death by Femon can be a slow process

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Stalwart 3 months ago

They should be charged with dereliction of duty.

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 3 months ago

I always encourage men to not stand for this. I turned down two job offers the last few years because I would have been working for a female manager. When asked why I was turning them down I told them- by first asking how many years the femon manager had done the job I was being hired for. In both cases the answer was zero. So I told them I don't work for women and I certainly won't work for a woman who has no clue how to do my job. Hearing them stutter and stumble for words was delicious. The icing on the cake is both companies are struggling and laying people off now. Stand together for what is right gentlemen.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 months ago

Men must fight back at this blatant takeover

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Duugus 3 months ago

She will be flushed soon enough. Might be good to have a brain dead idiot running the, SS, until Trump is in. After all, if we only have Buydumb as the chief idiot then people may think all his failures are due to age, rather than policy.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 months ago

The guy on the right in the picture looks like he really wants to be there

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James1225 3 months ago

The age of incompetence celebrating DEI , such a grand plan of modernity. Hold on your hats, the future so bright. America is gone, Amerika the land of FMD, Feminist Marxist Democracy the Republic flushed down like an aborted fetus. They kill their own…..Lol.

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