Wendy's & Jersey Mikes CRUSHED By Woke $20 Minimum Wage & SHOCKINGLY Fires Staff & Cut Hours
Published on 11 Jul 2024 / In
sure, they got $20 but now they earn less! use code "thequartering" at https://coffeebrandcoffee.com/....collections/summer-f
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Is that a black guy trans Wendy? Yikes! Why Jeremy why?
Your perspective makes no sense. People who work at these places are the type of people who have no concept of fiscal responsibility or intellect for finances. They are the folks who donate money to Jeremy's online with no regard to debts, inflation, etc. They are commies as you say so of course they would support communism online through e-donations.
Meanwhile the corporate side of these companies certainly are not donating their wealth to strangers online. Because as much as I hate to say it they are smart enough to realize how you are a scammer. Because the are also scammers competing for all the money/wealth.
Therefore why wouldn't you want the workers to get big raises? Some of that wealth will end up back to you through e-donations from these simps.
As for the restaurant you have a wife correct? So I hope she cooks for you daily and there's no need to eat out? I doubt that's the case though. You are upset because you are stuck in a marriage with American woman who doesn't act like a lady. While you have to eat out paying these expensive prices.
I don't even know why you are complaining about the prices because you don't even add any production to the economy. You are a net consumer squandering resources but contributing zero resources back or labor. So the inflation problem is also you Jeremy. You are literally inflated from Gluttony.
Damn... I liked both especially Jersey Mike...