Were Not Gonna Take It - Twisted Sister - Sina Drums

Were Not Gonna Take It - Twisted Sister - Sina Drums ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLA9JsHaWE8
#sinadrums #rockcover #drumcover
Watch the music video of 'Until We Burn' right here: โข Until We Burn (Official Music Video)
If you want to show your support and help me keep creating more content, you can contribute through my Patreon page:
๐ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sina_drums
Another fantastic way to join my community is by becoming a member of my YouTube channel:
๐ Channel Membership: / @sina-drums
A huge shoutout to Nils Neumann for his exceptional work in audio and video production. Check out his remarkable productions on his own channel; it's truly worth your time, I guarantee it:
๐ Nils' YouTube Channel: / @nils-neumann
๐ Visit Nils' website: https://www.nilsneumannmusic.com
While my original music may not receive as much attention as my covers, I've released three unique albums over the years. You can enjoy all my music for free on YouTube and various streaming platforms. Search for 'Sina Chi Might' on YouTube or dive into the complete Chi Might Project playlist here:
๐ Chi Might Project Playlist: โข Chi Might Project
For those interested, I've also introduced brand-new merchandise:
๐ Sina Drums Merchandise: https://crowdmade.com/collections/sin...
Curious to learn more about me? Connect with me through:
๐ My Website: https://girls-got-groove.com
๐ฌ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/girlsgotgroove
๐ธ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sinadrums
My equipment setup features Kirchhoff Schlagwerk drums:
๐ Kirchhoff Schlagwerk: https://www.kirchhoff-schlagwerk.com/
I rely on Beyerdynamic microphones (TG I51, TG D58c, TG D57c, MC930):
๐ Beyerdynamic: https://www.beyerdynamic.de/
Explore more of the gear I use right here:
๐ Gear Collection: https://www.thomann.de/intl/thlpg_k3m...
#twistedsister #werenotgonnatakeit #rockcover #drumcover #sinadrums
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