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What's Kratom Like? My Experience With Red Kratom

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Published on 01 Sep 2023 / In Other

I took red kratom to see what the effects of it were like especially for my depression and this is my experience and thoughts on red kratom for anyone thinking of trying it.

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I share only from experience to help anyone struggling, remember you are worth it, and never be afraid to reach out for help!

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*I am a not licensed Therapists, Doctor, or Counselor I share from experience being diagnosed with ADHD, PTSD, GAD, MDD, Lost a Wife, and Father to suicide along with being a recovering alcohol and cocaine addict. I Share from experience to help others through their journey!

It’s about people helping people and together we can do this, you can do this!

#redkratom #kratom #kratomexperience

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I call bullshit on most of this crap...

IF you are genuinely mentally ill, there are I am told, some good and necessary medications that are a big help.

IF you are an addict, then go and sort your shit out by working your way through your issues and just quit fucking around with all the bullshit.

You mean it's never occurred to this fucking idiot, that you can't cure your drug problem by taking new and different drugs....

It's like jumping off one horse on the merry go round and then hopping on another one...

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