What's Your Weakness
Published on 02 May 2022 / In
Film & Animation
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You know what belongs in the dog house? A dog. You'll never catch me in there. I cut myself off leashes long ago.
100 million women flashing their gash for cash and when a man is "caught" checking it out...
OMG - well fuck them feminist losers.
And in the news today - sales of vibrators are up 15% since the end of the manufactured covid crisis, and the latest 10 articles, on how to cheat on your husband, boyfriend, etc.... etc... etc.. etc.and 50 shades of grey fan club etc... all femitards...
But he was a MAN....
Double fuck the feminist losers.
I clicked on this video because it's, SoloMan.
Wahmyn are powered by drama.
KLASS-y jut look at those big rubber ring's it is sporting, Yeh! I love a bit of PORN? Sorry "CORN"! I see it's a 108, not quite as good as a "304"!