women think that traditionalism is like flicking a switch, you can now they have fucked up everything suddenly go backwards to suit them. what MEN now know like everything you know cant be Unknown once you know it.I think women are starting to see what they have done and deluded as they are think that it can all be reversed? It CAN'T, and even if it could would MEN be prepared to knowingly become slaves again? Apart from CUCKS and MANGINAS that is?
women try to be like MEN, that is HOW they women see MEN? women hate MEN, MEN don't hate women if anything we are indifferent to them, result is, women cant be like MEN? If that makes sense? In other words women cant think like MEN so they cant be like MEN, they also have an opposite personality or nature to MEN. Trying to be a MAN means a women is breaking the laws of Opposites attract. MEN and women traditionally got on together even though MEN were then oblivious to women's real view of MEN, and it worked. when feminism popped the cork out of the genies bottle and so called freed women it also taught MEN women's REAL Nature and MAN woke up.
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women think that traditionalism is like flicking a switch, you can now they have fucked up everything suddenly go backwards to suit them. what MEN now know like everything you know cant be Unknown once you know it.I think women are starting to see what they have done and deluded as they are think that it can all be reversed? It CAN'T, and even if it could would MEN be prepared to knowingly become slaves again? Apart from CUCKS and MANGINAS that is?
women try to be like MEN, that is HOW they women see MEN? women hate MEN, MEN don't hate women if anything we are indifferent to them, result is, women cant be like MEN? If that makes sense? In other words women cant think like MEN so they cant be like MEN, they also have an opposite personality or nature to MEN. Trying to be a MAN means a women is breaking the laws of Opposites attract. MEN and women traditionally got on together even though MEN were then oblivious to women's real view of MEN, and it worked. when feminism popped the cork out of the genies bottle and so called freed women it also taught MEN women's REAL Nature and MAN woke up.
You probably had a hater flagging you on YT we all have been there