What about vaccinated blood-
Now here is something I hadn't thought of so thamk you richard. What about Blood in regards to the VAX? Heres a little personal story from recently as to why I don't trust the NHS anymore. It is blood related by the way. I had a blood test for blood/ sugar as I have the beginnings apparently of diabete's, well i am an old FART now. Anyway that was tested in October 2022, I got a result via my doctors surgery to go for a revising at the beginnibng of January 2023. Now this is where I no longer trust the NHS anymore as they LIED to me nlatantly. I entered the room, there was an asian that looked like a 14 year old kid (A locum" I think they call them? Immediately he staerted a SALES pitch for some new medication. I stopped him in his tracks and saif to him on what basis are you doing this? Oh sir you have had a 200% rise in your last Blood sugar test. My first thought wasnt panic but "BOLLOCKS", now this is interesting, he showed me the PC screem and the graph showed a massive spike, But I noticed this spike appeared at the end of the graph dated December 31 2022? how did they come to that conclusion if the alleged spike should have been dated at least 2 months earlier. I didn't say anything as I wanted to comtinue hearing what he said with this sale pitch. so here we Go, he was offering pr pushing a new diabetic Drug that apparently EAT's sugar, some sort of SUPER Drug. It was in his mind very exciting. wso I asked him about any side effects with this Wonder of medical Science? Apparently when you take this drug which by the wat hasn't arrived on my prescription yet and I WONT be takingit. buyt apparently it eat's sugar and gives wieght loss quickly, (Yeh right)! Then her told me the side effects. apparently it would give me THRUSH and Clamidia if I didn't wash my Penis thoroughly after ever PEE taken! lol! Well Fuck that I wont be taking it should it arrive on my prescription, At nearly a youthful 68 years I do have a small case of a weak bladder, so I WONT be standing washing my DICK 24/7 anytime soon. I wasn't born yesterday I think these CUNTS thing everyone is fucking dump these days, I'll look after my health from now on. thre NHS is now a marketiong tool for I guess untested drug's? Being MGTOW Monk and have nothing to do with women, I'm certainly not medically gonna be given the CLAP! lol!
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Can COVID 19 vaccinated females pass the poisons in that vaccine sexually to their sexual partners who are not vaccinated? If so, what are some of the best methods for vetting for vaccinated females so they can be avoided at least sexually?
Before I forget as I've forgotten many times to mention this. Coca Cola, ever wondered what the dark color is made of? Well topically it is made from millions of little crushed BUG's, this is why there biggest polluting plant is in South america where there is a FREE abundance of these little black BUG's, so some of you already have a WEF BUG Diet partly! lol! Another user of these black BUG's all crushed up and blended is a certain Irish Stout Brewery that get there BLACK appearance for their "RECORD" breaking stout, A little Book of Records hint there to the name, so if you drink this stout you are drinking BUG's. Just thought I would mention this as the info is readily available to read online.