What are Cryptocel's???
Published on 15 Feb 2021 / In
Film & Animation
There are many types of Crypto's. But you will find that white men do not engage in this practice, no! whites are always the victims of this insidious practice... this person here ia jewish... and pretends to be white... to make the simple and honest gentiles to act as he does... see comments in original video
this turns the lower iq gemtiles against his brothers...
there are many who practice this both overtly and covertly.... we must be vigilant about who we let into out hearts
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That guy is a narcopath, narcissistic psychopath.
It took me a week or so to get a handle on this kid, SpaceJew. As a Jew himself he is fully aware of the Jewish tresspass on non-Jews. He presents himself here in order to stir drama and get attention. So typical of the Jews, after sticking a finger in someone s eye, and pretending to be their advocate, he runs off and laughs up his sleeve.