WHAT COMES NEXT | Are You Prepared?
Are you prepared for what comes next?
Special Thanks to Michael McKinley Aquaponics 4 All Greenhouse Asheville, NC.
My apologies to Rick, his name was spelled Alston instead of Austin!
Check out the INCREDIBLE Sun Oven
https://amzn.to/3hUfLXm Made In America
Check out The Survivalist Gardner @SurvivalistGardener https://www.youtube.com/user/SurvivalistGardener
Rick and Jane's Books should be in everyone's Library:
Author Rick Austin
Secret Garden of Survival https://amzn.to/2TSuREK
Secret Greenhouse of Survival https://amzn.to/3e3Fz2a
Secret Livestock of Survival https://amzn.to/2Uz7XCq
Author Jane Austin
Survivor Jane's Guide to Emergency Hygiene https://amzn.to/3k1JiBc
Where There Is No Cosmetic Center How NOT to Look Like a Zombie https://amzn.to/3wrWX6P
What Could Possibly Go Wrong???: How To Go From Completely Clueless To Totally Prepared https://amzn.to/36qIKfW
Puzzling Over Preparedness: Survivor Jane's Word Search Puzzle - Volume One (Volume 1) https://amzn.to/2VkOQfv
Survivalism is a social movement of individuals or groups who proactively prepare for emergencies, including natural disasters, as well as disruptions to social, political, or economic order.
#bugout #survival #prepper #preparedness #shtf #bushcraft #survivalist #survivalgear #prepping #prepare
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At 3:21:00. You do realize that this argument can be used on single moms as well. If you post-natal abort single moms, you lower crime rate and reduce the cost of welfare. LOL
At 2:27:00. The Jews got their country back because it was given back to them. Basically, Christians didn't know what to do with all these European Jews that were displaced, so they found an easy answer.
However, if Americans lose their country, who is going to give it back to them 1000 years later? The Chinese?
These are the sort of people who’d survive long term, but I’d mean nothing if they have no way to defend themselves. Because in those dark times many groups of people would turn to raiding, and as such target those who have what they themselves do not have.