What Do You Eat in Antarctica - Antarctic Extremes
Published on 12 Nov 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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Fuck... now another series to watch: Hey, which one's the episode where the scientists freaked the fuck and NY had to send a plane to investigate. They brought them back speechless and non-interacting. I think they saw the dead frozen giants and alien species at a dig site, you know a Space Age Atlantis, long before King Atlas' Atlantis on the Eye of Sahara, ie Africa just before the Sahara became a desert when the Sphinx got rain damage "erosion." The series is Visiting Atlantis on Gaia based on a bestseller Nonfiction book.
There is a unit in New York state, a Guard unit, which specializes in C-130s landing on ice: They supply the Antarctica scientists... I've been there training, not for Antarctica.
Came for the view... stayed for the penguins...
You eat penguin, sea lion, fish...dead ancient giants frozen in the ice, seals,