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What Does It Means To Be Stoic? - Can You Be Too Stoic

Published on 26 Mar 2019 / In Film & Animation

Hello Bulldogs! John Sonmez from Bulldog Mindset Here, where I teach you how to go from the Victim Mindset to the Bulldog Mindset.

Today I'll be responding to a request I got from one of you guys, on stoicism, what it means to be stoic and can you be too stoic.

The request is the following:

Hey John,

I've been a follower of yours for years now. Have always loved your balanced opinions and approach on topics, and would love your opinion on something i'm dealing with if possible.

I'm 34 years old and been with my current girlfriend for 6 months now. On multiple occasions, she has said I don't show emotion. She says that I'm never insecure Or jealous, and she even said I'm too stoic.
She went as far as to say that i'm like dating a robot and that i'm not human. She has criticized me because I never cry even when she thinks it's warranted. Admittedly, during arguments or emotional situations, I try to keep calm and express my emotions plainly and directly. I'm certainly not perfect. At times, I've definitely lost my temper, become frustrated, or just not even know how to feel. I've definitely felt insecure and jealous and afraid. It's true that I almost never cry. It's just not something I do often. I'm not sure why, but never saw it as a bad thing.

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