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What happens if you stopped Masturbating -The Dopamine Shift, (NoFap)

Published on 17 Dec 2023 / In Film & Animation

Thought this may be interesting? what happens when you STOP beibng a WANKER! lol! Life becomes pretty good infact because your mind has time to think about other more useful stuff than PUSSY. I don't even bother with porn anymore, it's become boring and a naked women is not good to anyone if it has no inner personality to entise a guy. women seem to have forgot that Personality oty a guy is important other wise you may as well by a rubber doll if you are that dessperate? As I say Masturbation's for WANKER's ! lol! This is why women have nothing left but sex and attention seeking because they have over done every thing so it has no longer got any aim or charm to it, if you see my meaning, let's remember wiomen Masturbate as well. My ugly Mother in law was a nurse in a mental hospital and she once said that their would be patients (male and female) masterubation openly in the corridor's because they had NOYHING else left to do.

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TheRedKnight 1 year ago

school will never teach this cause the zionist own sex ed, its filled with sex magik and wicca sex acts :(

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TheRedKnight 1 year ago

FINALLY a fellow nofapper :D

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Duugus 1 year ago

Good video, but not all inclusive. Still a good place to start. A no far life is not good. There should be a once a week, or so, far day.

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Duugus 1 year ago

*fap day.

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deathdealer 1 year ago

No mention of oxytocin or nor epinephrine, this must be the feminazi version if you cannot get relief from self satisfaction then you will seek release from another source e.g. feminazis and they then control you from their wizard sleeves. If you don't get the relief then all sensitivity drops off and the little micro valves in your unit age out sooner and the result is ED. Not good for ones health because that with the normal drop in testosterone, DHEA and DHT with age will cause or contribute too other physical and psychological damage.

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somelameguy 1 year ago

I see no mention of cortisol, testosterone, their interactions, etc. Statements regarding improved ability to focus are off; that all-consuming biological drive that says 'reproduce' (or rub one out to take the edge off) does not go away as testosterone builds up, it gets worse, much, much worse. At least if you're a moderly healthy male? Statements regarding better mood control... A male's natural state would be to engage in coitus or masturbation on a regular basis. Nature says if you're not getting it, you're doing something wrong, and increases stress and desire. When I see articles\stories\presentations like this; at best the person is ignorant which is why the MGTOW 'movement' exists, to educate. The insidus nature of "no-fap" would be that it encourages a cycle of guilt
egret\failure regarding masturbation to come into play. Marketing "no-fap" to a group who's natural alternative (having sex) on this platform (that in part exists to educate men about the dangers assocaited with interactions with women) I can only think that either you're pre-pubesecent, not a male (ignorant), selling religion (traditional beliefs vs modern day realities is why MGTOW exists), trying to promote homosexuality (if you are, just be honest with it) or you're just interested in making other people miserable.

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