What Has Happened To MGTOW TV
Published on 11 Sep 2022 / In
Film & Animation
A sign of the times
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Don't know if you saw that recent vid from Amr, but I read between the lines that he sees the same things and may be thinking of deep sixing the site in it's current form.
True. MGTOW has become freedom and free speech; so, naturally more people show up. I like the Quartering-- he is a somewhat valuable news source outside of lame stream media. The Quartering is more than just a gossiper: He is also a marketer and using his skills he found the path to staying online even after they or "Susan" bans you. He started Coffee Brand Coffee to fund himself with real coffee, teas, and hot chocolates. He is trying to help other content creators stay online by funding them. I think this is important to creating a free tv like thing, decentralized. By staying decentralized, we have more freedom and power as the Commies need centralized things to control. Plus, some channels are just mirrored by Amr.
I guess a Manosphere.tv was launched, and it failed. Now, all the PUAs are here trying to transform MGTOW.tv to Manosphere.tv. I saw a video not to long ago about the one of PUAs bitching that he was not getting support. It's like Duh! Many of us are monks having giving up the clamshell. I myself am trying to bring a more academic and philosophical lessons or presentations and some theoretical but based in evidence series here. It's the video editing and rereading that is killing my ass while working two jobs... I would stay here. When the PUAs get butthurt enough, they will leave or seriously cut back. I plan to once I get most of my Theory of Everything Is Connected series done to a point start putting up more How To academic videos. I am finishing my first one now: How To Be Creative, should be up in a week or two. I also have a Classical Philosophy overview I am considering updating and a Caesars' presentation I might revamp from college. I would say hang in there bro. Amr has bills to pay... Let's see what happens politically this Medterm election season and how the Dems plan to fuck the rest of America before 2024 elections. Civil War might light off before that,.
I noticed things are getting weird when I see stuff like RT & Alex Jones on here. I don't even know if it's some sort of upload bot or what. I don't know what's going, or why is this happening. Call me crazy, I thought this is a space for MGTOWs to share MGTOW knowledge, not youtube alternative. Now I can't really find MGTOW stuff. Like, should we go on a crusade flagging dating coaches stuff for being irrelevant or something?
Different strokes for different folks. I selectively watch content from a "minority" of creators. No need to learn wtf is "game". As a former "Tyrone", who never relinquished his masculinity, a simp pua is more dangerous to a real man than a feminist. Choices aren't that difficult once a man is tired of being used. Confusion is inevitable, for those trying to please everyone else.
To start on a positive note, there is still some excellent material being posted here. It just has to be looked for a little harder among the static.
It can be highly annoying seeing channels that post material that actually runs contrary to the philosophy. The PUA and femon worship stuff is absurd on a MGTOW site. A year or so ago I watched a round table on SusieTube and the one guy on there I was always suspicious of said he wouldn't go on MGTOW tv because we're a bunch of meanies or something. Well, fast forward a year and he's here- with a blue check no less. I think all is rosy for the fakers and middle of the road types until the ban hammer is raised over their head.
Being a problem solver by profession I have given a lot of thought to what would make for a platform that would stay focused and be a superb MGTOW only space. Kind of like the Men's clubs of old that the establishment destroyed. Not being a programmer, nor desiring to be one, I have never pursued it but I'm sure it could be done.
Sharp focus on the site's mission and content is probably the key to long term success. Then maybe content creators are by invitation only to keep quality high. Of course the hardest part is funding the whole thing.