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What Has Turned Femons Into Horrible People

Published on 10 Jan 2025 / In Film & Animation

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Jaygo 2 months ago

What has "turned" females into horrible people? very easy. Read the book of Genesis. They ALWAYS seek out what's bad and destructive over what's good and peaceful. There is a reason God communicated to men and Satan communicated to women.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 months ago

So they are naturally evil

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mrghoster 2 months ago

I'll tyell you why Femon's are the way they are It's suimple, They don't have MEN to keep them in check especially today, they abandoned MEN for money basically and as we know from an old 60's Group - "Moiney cant by you love"! Yep you guy's the reason for all this femon shit is they are NOTkept in check by a MSAN or MEN. Bercause of the law's against MEN, WE had no option but to walk away from a battle or a senario we just cant fight alone, so MEN chose to be alone as an option., Personally this works brilliantly for someone like ME who was rejected and forced to be alone from a very young age, so to me I'm in the best place I have ever been, and content and happy with that as well. the ball has been in the femons Court for a long time now, the issue was created by THEM alone and they are to stupid alone to deal with it with things like being Strong and independent and don'tr need noi MAN yet we MEN constantly hear these CUNT's asking where are all the good MEN, but they never listen when told BY MEN, they meltdown and accuse us of MANSPLAINING or being a misogynism for giving a truthful answer, the answer they don't want to hear that THEY alone are their own worst enemy, and the truth that MEN or REAL MEN just don't care to bashg their heads against ignorance they cant fight. MAN is a logical. rational creature and he kniows you cant fight stupidity or ignorance with logic at any stage. A MEN's mindset is like a container of water and when a wave is created their is order to the rings of vibration, a femon's mindset is an irrational maelstrom like water is in a severe storm at sea. FEMON's are DOOMED and I believe this is nature doing this and I believe that it is NMature that is pulling the MALE away from this desaster so WE can start again when the time come's and when that time comes let's hope that a tight reign is kept on the femon. All femons have done with their FEMONist bullshit is prove they just cannot lead, FEMONism has outed femons for what they really are, fucking useless without a MAN who have grown up, thrive and are one day going to be the future again, the femon will die off hopefully with a gender based virus or sickness that will kill only the femon not the MALE, WE can dream?

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 months ago

I agree buddy, I remember hearing one man telling another "hey buddy, sort your bitch out"

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mrghoster 2 months ago

@SoloMan Zone: These so called "Passport Bro's" are deluded if they think these bitches are better than the western trash we have todfay. Femon's are femon's wherever you do these day's.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 months ago

@mrghoster: They just need a real man that doesn't take no shit from them

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Well, men are divine Made in the Image of Hod (El Elohim of Israel.) He had a wife The Tree of Life, but Church fathers er the patriarchy made Him Be Alone Wifeless, so we just following suit... We men are divine: It shows through our rationality. I coukd go more on The Image of God El, but I have A Four Truths video if you want to know.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@mrghoster: No, the Pasdport Bros aren't deluded unless they bring said women back to the West, the US or UK...keeping the femon in a patriarchal society is Da Way.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Souls? What souls? These femons had their soul pounded out of them after fucking like ten guys... may are going triple or quadriple digits like that one Blond who just fucked 101 guys but only remembered 5 of them? Now, she wants a 1001 train ran on her?

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 months ago

Femons are as stupid as they sound

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Drums_McBashington 2 months ago

They are unrestrained, female nature allowed to run rampant.
Takers never set limits.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 months ago

Like children who will never grow up

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@SoloMan Zone: "I don't want to grow up. I wanna be a Toy R Us kid..." oh fuck, it went out of business?! Guess there's less kids now...

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