Talking of shapes, today trying to get on with a femon is like trying to get a square peg in a round hole! lol! Like everything else in life what involves coupling of two person's , there has to be responsibility, trust, and basically RULES both parties HAVE to follow, that doesn't work in this modern world anymore because the system that upheld those RULES is broken beyond repair. that is why Marriage and RelationSHIT's don't work anymore.
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When I think back to when I was married then divorced, still makes me shiver! lol! what a lot of my wasted time that was.
Talking of shapes, today trying to get on with a femon is like trying to get a square peg in a round hole! lol! Like everything else in life what involves coupling of two person's , there has to be responsibility, trust, and basically RULES both parties HAVE to follow, that doesn't work in this modern world anymore because the system that upheld those RULES is broken beyond repair. that is why Marriage and RelationSHIT's don't work anymore.
Let the government marry them.