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What if I told you I had a true red pill for you?

Published on 12 Sep 2020 / In People & Blogs

⁣There have been questions asked about why all about the flaws of women is the focus of MGTOW. And no focus about enjoying the MGTOW lifestyle?
Why no posts about prepping, fishing, hunting, off grid living, firearms, first aid & other men 'boy scout' stuff? These questions get shot down because "they're not MGTOW [issues]".
Have you thought that's a bit odd, that an ideology fixates on the problems but never solutions?
According to Darwin's Origin of Species, "... it is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself.”
That's because the path you take revolves around emphasis.
If you want to emphasize facts, then here are some facts which may solve problems in about 80% of MGTOW. Like your philosophy's lack of acceptance of reality for happiness. You need adaption to reality.
For some of you, the true red pill is pink.
What if "Going Your Own Way" only leads you in a circle back to serving women?
I'd like to hear your responses on this for debate in the comments.
This is a mirror of a video called "MGTOW is a gigantic COPE" found here on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJNjLtnx-aI

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

You ask for some facts . The fact that your here is you want Attention and you want it from the alpha Men that are here ! We Most of us are High achieving Men that have Already been screwed over by women just like you . But all you need is one of us to fall for your Womanly Wiles and your set for life . Just like a lot of Men here I Have been Screwed out of 25 years of my life my Children , Home, Business, and 1.1 + MILLION DOLLARS . The Alpha Men You would like to get ARE HERE . Where Have All The Good Men Gone. We Are Here and we don't want YOU In our World . We come Here to get away from Even Hearing The sound of a Woman Trying to get Attention or Money or whatever your trying to get . The FACT That I Have to Waste My time to Tell you this Speaks for itself . So Please Just Go and leave us ONE PLACE Where Women Won't Stick there Nose in and Ruin It ! .... YOU WOMEN JUST WILL NOT LET MEN HAVE ANY PEACE !........*** MGTOW monk FOREVER ***

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MaidenPhoebe420 4 years ago

Hmm, partially true, the most homophobic are actually the most flaming homosexuals out there once they come out of the closet. And that's sort of how I see most MGTOW, especially the monks and hardcore ones. I think it's funny how each and every one of you think you're alphas while historically only about 15-20% of men are naturally alphas. And I would define MGTOW Monks as Sigma males which are closer to 3-5% of males Tesla, Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, of which few if any of you actually are. The majority of MGTOW are betas upset that they're not alphas who are misguided into trying to become something they're not instead of taking what they are and making it power by upping their beta game and finding happiness. They can't go one day without thinking about women, either loving or hating us, but obsessing over us all the same. "The FACT That I Have to Waste My time to Tell you this" Who said you need to tell me anything? Why is it a 'FACT' that you need to? What do you care? MGTOW is a philosophy/lifestyle, not your personal tribe that you have the natural need to belong to and defend. You haven't ascended your instincts you've just switched what you focus them on. If just one place to be left alone is what you're looking for then try owning your own home or land, turning off your tv, phone, computer or whatever, and being there. This isn't a deep website, there isn't anything in the terms of service about needing to be a male to create a channel, there is the option to state if you're male or female in your profile and no consequence for choosing one over the other, there is a block feature. And here's a little pin to pop another balloon of yours - I checked your channel and noticed you liked Sentient_Of_Truth's earthships video - did you know I introduced him to earthships? Did you know that the majority of people whom actually really live in earthships in Taos NM are lesbian couples? I've been there, I've lived in them, I build them, there and in my own state. Did you know that Michael Reynolds got his funding to build and experiment with his construction techniques from female feminist Wiccans selling acid in the UK during the 1960's?! < I heard that from the mouth of Michael Reynolds himself at Earthship Academy in Taos. So your homes "perfect for MGTOW' wouldn't be possible without feminist women. I guess you're welcome. Don't want us around that's fine but then put your money where your mouth is and go without.

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@Phoebe : Ya Call names .Ha ha women are just children . You prob think i care what a women would say.. Space Ghost is on

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MaidenPhoebe420 4 years ago

@Bagoodman: "Ya Call names" What do you mean? Just remember without these 'children' MGTOW and earthships wouldn't exist. Now scoot off and watch your favorite cartoon program after calling me names and think I'm the child.

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juaao 4 years ago

@Bagoodman: report his videos and his channel! he's trying to hook MGTOW into sissy porn, eat cum and make men take pleasure in being crossdresser's to prostitute themselves in the gay world. These "sissy porn" videos and the like create in the man who watches a disease called autogynephilia. REPORT ALL HIS VIDEOS IMMEDIATELY.

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MaidenPhoebe420 4 years ago

@juaao: lol, well whenever I find one of "his" videos, then I will. So, do all MGTOW do as much group thinking as you command them to? Are you their leader?

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Wolf178 4 years ago

Lol this just seems to be a video to trigger us. As for female leader ship in a relationship.. evolution has evolved women to see men as breeding stock and plow horses. Would you really follow someone that doesn't have your best interests in mind. I'm pretty sure most would run us as a engine at a high rpm with no oil in the system. When we break down they would just get another engine.

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juaao 4 years ago

report his videos and his channel! he's trying to hook MGTOW into sissy porn, eat cum and make men take pleasure in being crossdresser's to prostitute themselves in the gay world. These "sissy porn" videos and the like create in the man who watches a disease called autogynephilia. REPORT ALL HIS VIDEOS IMMEDIATELY.

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TunnelRat 4 years ago

Can you imagine how these feminists would react if we infiltrated their spaces. This is a space for men THOT. Begone.

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MaidenPhoebe420 4 years ago

Logic too much a threat for you?

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TunnelRat 4 years ago

@Phoebe : This is a man's space made by men for men. We are not letting you in so begone.

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MaidenPhoebe420 4 years ago

@TunnelRat: How strange, I see nothing at all like that, am I missing something? How come there is the option of selecting female? This is my channel, either show me where I'm not welcome or shut up, bend over and take it like a man. https://www.mgtow.tv/terms/terms

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juaao 4 years ago

@TunnelRat: report his videos and his channel! he's trying to hook MGTOW into sissy porn, eat cum and make men take pleasure in being crossdresser's to prostitute themselves in the gay world. These "sissy porn" videos and the like create in the man who watches a disease called autogynephilia. REPORT ALL HIS VIDEOS IMMEDIATELY!

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JGalvin 4 years ago

Does anyone think that her left tit sags as much as her left eye? That's all I can think about since the only intelligent thing to come out of her mouth is some random dude's DNA

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 4 years ago

i got brain damage watching this, she is retarded.

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MaidenPhoebe420 4 years ago

Then it ought to be easy for you in all your genius to explain the faults with the argument...

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 4 years ago

@Phoebe : I don't need too. A normal person can see through her bullshit. You sarcasm doesn't stop normal thinking seeing her bullshit buthurt response. As they saying goes, The biggest redpillers are women themselves. The fact your explaining this needs explanation puts your own logic at question. hahahahaha

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