What Inclusion & Diversity Really Means
Published on 18 Dec 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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I was in The UK back in 2007. During the holiday season, I saw this...
https://therightsofman.typepad.....co.uk/photos/uncate Sorry but not sorry. Never again...
Source: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2007/dec/07/1
Well, if the pink bags bother you that much... two options bro: First, Indiegogo has a strong really collapsible bags-- remember Adam West's old (kind of gay) Gray Batman series? There was an episode where they were caught in an hostage situation, and of course Bruce and boy wonder got away. Bruce tosses two "capsule pills" into water that open up and Batman and Robin suits "come out". One question, how did they dry them off before they put them on? Well, these bags are like that except not big enough to put a person or body into, well except if you took a fetus at Planned Parenthood... Second option, I assume you have a bike or car: Go to that dealership and ask or buy a car logo reusable bag... I have two.
Oh God, what Satanic symbol is she posing?!
0:50. The satanic spirit of "woke".
Another chain going down the drain!...Damn, that rhymed!!! >:D