Published on 12 May 2021 / In
Non-profits & Activism
? PART 1 : https://www.mgtow.tv/v/ktzVIC
? PART 3 : https://www.mgtow.tv/v/e9rIrY
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▶ PART 1 : https://www.mgtow.tv/v/ktzVIC
▶ PART 3 : https://www.mgtow.tv/v/e9rIrY
If Trump had been president this would never have happened,
They will never have peace until this generation gets sick of the cost of war
Well if the Jews do not follow Jesus then how can they follow in this commandment and lesson to love one another. You could say the Muslim does the same but that is not true as Muslims must follow the commandments of Jesus too as the authentic Bible is from God plus the lessons Jesus taught is reinforced in the bible, ie do not be the aggressor only fight in self defence, try to reform your enemies try to bring them to righteousness, only fight as a last resort. Many verses reinforce that such as (paraphrasing here) but in the Quran whoever kills an innocent person is as if they killed all of mankind. Seems Judaism has not been updated or reformed to the degree that they can accept all people as equals. It is still the Jews and the goyim as the inferior race and they havent gone boyond that. I mean they are still waiting for a messiah to make them victorious over all nations instead of realizing the messiah will bring peace to the world through defeating evil through a righteous war. Peace and prosperity for all humans not the ethnocentric view they have of being a Jew which most of them probably dont even have blood ties to the house of Judah which is just one tribe of the 12 of Israel which are scattered of which it doesn’t matter to God as when Jesus came all of the gentiles were grafted into the grace of God and Muhammad and the Quran reaffirmed this fact to further propel God’s guidance to all people not just the original tribe of Israel. So what dont modern Jews understand, we have all had equality in grace importance and priority in God’s view for 2000 yrs plus. God used the people of Israel as a catalyst long long ago to use the Torah as a foundation, that doesn’t mean they are superior just that they had the founding purpose and thats all. It doesn’t mean they are genetically superior for all time but only that they were trusted with being founders at a certain period of time. Abraham was not a jew, Adam was not a jew, we all came from either a small group of early humans so we all matter and most likely Adam was the first fully God conscious human so he is called the first human but likely genetically was just a man in a group of early humans in the Mesopotamia region. What is certain is the Jews of today have no special status so they need to stop acting like they have it and stop attempting to push the envelope of genocide and cleansing. They are making Hitler blush he could only go for years these guys going on for decades under the radar with their sneaky ways who knows who will be their next victim.
That was hard to watch but necessary .. thank you for sharing
did hitler have a good reason for hating jews??????????????????????? ummmm i wonder why.....cunts