What Is National Socialism (Why Eugenics Works)
Published on 23 May 2024 / In
What is national socialism? Today we will discuss this question and why eugenics works.
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The reason the catholics lie to us is so we dont protect America from their people invading.. the arabs.. arabic mixed people..
ya, I knew they were lying to us.. The mediterranean was wholly arabic until whites invaded and turned a bunch of them ,, , part white.. Now the socalled indigenous south of the border , ,are asian.. so the mix of the hispanics south of the border , is asian, arabic and white.. and arabic and arabic and arabic.. The arabs of the mediterranean CATHOLICS invaded south America. central America Mexico.,, . Florida, cuba etc.. We mostl;y kicked them out of Florida.. and freed the blacks.. The mediterranean arabs were the slave traders.. Cuba was slave trade central.. and they had Florida.. THE SPANISH WERE THE SLAVE TRADERS.. After decades of lies.. people start to actually lose the truth.. I mean after covering the truth up for politic, ,decades later ,, few people know what the truyth is.. THE CUBANS WERE THE SLAVE TRADERS.. That is why haiti is slave people.. from CUBA!! The media acts like the cuban peopl,e are victims.. They're arabs.. thats what they are..