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What Is Realism? Creator Spotlight The Realist Philosopher


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Published on 11 Mar 2022 / In People & Blogs
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srprizma 2 years ago

this guy looks like yogioabs

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srprizma 2 years ago

3hr stream sliced by 4x+ speed

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The Realist Philosopher

I used to go by "The MGTOW Philosopher" years ago on youtube. Now I called myself The Realist, or The Realist Philosopher. Same guy, just a bit broader focus in regards to the stories that I cover.

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Kobe1i 3 years ago

Amr I am curious, in the future lets say you do happen to find a girl, here in the US. Would you bring her on the vids or even live streams? Im asking because AMS and Hamza Ahmed do this and their views skyrocket. I know you're no sell out and say no dating in the west, but who knows you're 6'3 you might get a girl who you really like and vice versa.

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Kobe1i 3 years ago

@MilleRacks: He married her, dating and marriage not the same.

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MartinGOLDBERG 3 years ago

Dang he destroyed TFM over Ayn Rand.

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The Realist Philosopher

Not my intent. I simply get tired of superficial takes based on overlap that is superficial at best. I would have said more, and went into more detail, but honestly I did not feel like taking the conversation in that direction. That said, anyone who has studied Nietzsche, and Rand knows that they are completely different in their philosophy. Rand is in most ways just a proxy for Aristotle, while Nietzsche was a hedonist anti Christian who even wrote a book named "The Anti Christ." He didn't believe in objective morality, scoffed at the idea of good and evil, and believed that the few great people (like himself) should be held up by, and served by the masses. In the mentioning of the Ubemensche many a person has made the mistake of conflating Rand, and Nietzche's teachings as somehow being the same. However, in doing so such people show a severe lack of understanding of Rands teachings. Rand spoke of great people, both men and women who in a sense held the world up on their shoulders with their creative, and productive genius. She never advocated for self sacrifice; either on behalf of those who were average for the greatest among us, or vice versa. Meanwhile Nietzsche taught the exact opposite in regards to those who were great. That people should sacrifice for them so as to make them as able to as possible to accomplish great things, and to achieve much. If you take a look at most philosophers you will often find certain shared views here and there. This does not mean that they in any way believe the same things over all. That would be like saying that because I acknowledge trhe existence of cars, and Hitler acknowledged the existence of cars as well then that means that I and Hitler are alike. Utter nonsense, and the same thing is done when people observe a few random observations shared, and use those to conflate two totally different people. Rand and Nietzsche both believed in a certain type of "great" man, or woman even. That much is true. However, their view of the role that these people served, and how that role would play itself out in the world were very different views indeed. Rand was also a strong believer in morality, reason, and truth, while Nietzsch believed in none of these things. In truth they couldn’t be more different, and though they seemingly shared a dislike of religion, in Nietzsches case it was merely a dislike of “certain” religions. He was in no way against religion. To him it was a powerful tool, and was to be used as such, whilst Rand saw religion as an evil unto itself, as it predisposed people to view the world in a mystical, magical, irrational way. A way that could be used to manipulate, and cause otherwise good people to do very bad things. Hence, in the end, while a surface analysis “might” lead some to think that Nietzsche and Rand were similar, in truth they couldn’t be more dissimilar. It takes a truly ignorant person to say that they, or their teachings were alike in any meaningful way.

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