What is the Meaning of Life?
Published on 02 Jul 2024 / In
Film & Animation
The Menu: https://amzn.to/3J91wtl
Lucas the Mucus: https://www.shattermarecomics.....com/shop/p/lucusthem
The Way of Monkey Book: https://www.amazon.com/Way-Mon....key-Book-T-F-ebook/d
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It covers the many ways one can perceive a "Meaning to Life".
I spent my 20s focused upon independence and revenge as my meaning. I didn't want to depend upon my parents for anything, so I worked hard and spent resource to free myself from family.
I spent my 30s focused upon becoming an independent contractor, "1099 Superior Race" as Cappy calls it.
I spent my 40s focusing upon doing my own thing, stopped chasing skirts, started traveling for my pleasure.
I am now in my 50s focusing upon "Contentment". There really isn't anything more to motivate me. Stoic Philosophy has been a real help.