What Is WRONG With Men-! Woman Begins To PANIC Because Men Are Not Committing To Her Anymore
Published on 22 Dec 2023 / In
Film & Animation
Any sensible and logical MAN doesn't want an irrational, pathetic, boring peice of CUNT on leg's to fucvk his life up when he has spent so much effort to be independent and as free asa HWE can be in todays wqorld. WTF are all these Strong, independent women who don't need a MAN making so much fuss wbecause MEN don't want THEm! lol! Hypoctites the lot of them. Not so much committment but the need to be Committed to a nut house to want to be insulted and derided by a womenis your preferrence!
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Amen on the dogs!!! Always loyal, never cheat on you, always faithful, full of unconditional love and will never Divorce Rape you in Family Court and take half your stuff.
P.S. they are much cheaper!!!
P.s.s. Golden Retriever or Lab are the best.
These women ARE low IQ, full of shit, and nothing but a LIABILITY, in every sense of the word.