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what it's like to be a transwomen over a real women.

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Published on 06 Sep 2020 / In Comedy

family guy clip.

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KEEPER 4 years ago  

apparently you are more of value as a trans person than real women are.

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Robokitty 4 years ago

I disagree, I would say it's the opposite. Cisgender Women usually get free drinks. While males (transgender women and cisgender men) don't gat any attention whatsoever and are told to get lost.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

This had nothing to do with drinks, it had to do with getting special privileges that almost nobody else can recive. I assume you have listened to T.F. Monkey videos? If not, well he talks about using the crazy politics to your advantage as there is no way of proving you are fake being trans. Being trans is powerful because you get immunity to most social interactions because ppl are more afraid of being sexist than correct. They essentially bend over backwards for the PC stuff.

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Robokitty 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: Yeah but you still have to transition which costs a lot of money and causes you pain. The difference between bieng transgender and bieng black or a women is bieng transgender will hurt you no matter what, because you have to pay for surgeries and it gives you low self esteem, especially if you are mtf because people are usually more critical of feminine males than masculine females.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Eric : actually you don't have to transition at all. Look it up. You can easily get away with changing your gender on your license without needing to change anything having to do with shopping your penis off and turning it into a Hot Pocket. If you want to you can dress a certain way. But there is really no need to actually transition.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

Chopping. Apologies I'm using text-to-speech because I'm on my phone.

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Robokitty 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: Transgender people have a mental illness that gives them discomfort with thier body. A lot of them feel uncomfortable with thier genitals.

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Robokitty 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: no worries. Also i dont dislike you btw i like your other content

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Eric : very true. But the purpose of this video was to show that you can have special privileges to. You don't need to chop off your penis don't need to dress a certain way either. All you need to do if you wanted those special privileges of course, is to pretend that you have gender dysphoria when you go and get your license changed and it's that easy. It might be different in certain States the most States don't care that much. You should try listening to turd flinging monkey I know his name doesn't sound serious. But he's got a lot of good information and it's better hearing the context coming from him rather than just in some random comment section.

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Robokitty 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: I agree that there a lot of entitled trans people too like the ones that get triggered by "muh transphobia"

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Eric : it's okay mate. I know biggie. I also posted the videos because of funny educational and funny. I'm kind of random that way.

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Robokitty 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: yeah I like your family guy vids this one just didnt have a good punchline like the married man video did.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Eric : Family Guy's got a lot of wisdom in it LOL and cartoons really make it easy to communicate a point while making it also funny at the same time, and also makes it so I don't have to upload a really long video explain something that can be said was in less than a minute.

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crimsonhawk 4 years ago

lmfao ???

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KEEPER 4 years ago

if your trans, you can get away with most anything. essentially you are more valued than real women. i also assume you know of Turd Flinging Monkey? or TFM as short?

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