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What Makes the XM913 the Worlds Most Powerful Chain-gun

Published on 07 Feb 2024 / In Film & Animation


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hqwebsite 1 year ago

So they are going to make a replacement for Bradley IFW?

https://flixpatrol.com/runtime..../cache/files/posters Here we go again...
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Pentagon_Wars

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Hmmmmmm Yeah good links... In the bigger picture - it's not like we have reached the end of the road in developing anything - but the modern weapons - being chemistry, design, physics etc., is now so off the planet powerful, that these stupid men are going out in tanks that are only resistant to small arms fire... the once unstoppable tank is getting popped off by all these missiles and their shaped charges........ Have you seen this? I don't fucking know - base bleed artillery shells that go 75 Km and then spits two of these top down target hunting shaped charge weapons out... and from 50 meters up, they will pop holes through 80 mm of armor - "POW!" - straight through the top of the tank... https://www.mgtow.tv/v/a5q2W2 --- then we have comparatively cheap suicide drones - as well as anti-tank missiles.... It seems that the modern battle tank is little more than a seive, waiting for it's holes.

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hqwebsite 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Tank warfare doctrine were mostly copied from battleship doctrine. To eliminate other tanks. Sure, we can make them 'jack of all trades' but wargames are team effort. Your adversary will study the weakest link and exploit it.

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usr6874038614 1 year ago

Oh jolly, more stuff to kill people with...
Let the military industrial complex pay for the rebuilt of every nation they've enabled the destruction of.
I know, one can dream...

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Hmmm your right... BUT people have been fighting and killing one and other since there was more than one of them and there was something to fight over... AND in the almost never ending arms race, I go at them with a rock, they come at me with a spear, I use a shield, they invent a way to make the spear go through the shield, I make a better shield, they make bows and arrows, I make a cross bow, they make copper swords, I make brass swords, they make iron swords, they make leather armour, I make steel armour etc., etc., etc... and now the sophistication of the modern weapon and amuunition and all the magic behind it... It's pretty impressive.

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usr6874038614 1 year ago

I know, the arms race. From an engineering point of view the advances are interesting. What worries me is that currently those arms are not in the hands of people who protect humanity, but are ordered to destroy it. And the next phase will be that those "fighters" will even not be involved anymore, with autonomous systems. Scary stuff. And one last rant : who the hell gave the military industrial complex membership of the CFA? I say hang him!

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@usr6874038614: There is so much that is incredible.. but I am depressed and overwhelmed.... This / these systems are so clever and so capable.... https://www.mgtow.tv/v/a5q2W2

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