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What Modern Women Actually Want From Men - MGTOW

Published on 08 Jul 2022 / In Film & Animation

Something for the newer MGTOW to ponder over.

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awol201 3 years ago

mrghoster, i know this is not your material . You are just putting it here , for our edification , and i thank you . This is good material, unfortunately it is all Sandman's . Immitation is the sincerest form of flattery . You may or may not have known . No harm no foul, just want to make sure the originator gets his due . This has been happening alot lately, Sandman , has a voluminous amount of material on manosphere sites .

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mrghoster 3 years ago

This article was NOT taken from a Sandman page or domain. I never upload anything knowingly from an individuals channel, this is why I stick to open source material. If I upload anything of interest and it is third party which 99.8% probably is then that is not my responsibility. If people are more interested in anything like copyright etc then that will kill any form of education or finding out information. I'm quite happy to stop helping anyone at any point, no skin off my nose. to me my channel is to spread a little humor and information that may be useful, like cutting an article out of a news paper and giving it to some one. If that is wrong then I'm quite happy to threow the scissors away and you could miss out on much needed information? Or just a good laugh! IOf any Channel owner or content creator complains I will remove the article. gladly.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

Also SANDMAN and Others are on this platform why would I want to post their material when I can see it for myself? I find the material that most may never see outside of MGTOW TV.

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