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What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 168

Published on 23 Jun 2021 / In Entertainment

Date: 2014-08-30
Topics: Interference Theory Of Human Origins, "Cosmic Abandonment" Presentation, Psychological factors which underly Collectivism, Group-Think, and the perpetuation of Human Enslavement, Rigid Skeptics (Worshippers of Scientism), Religionists (Children of the "gods"), Supporters of Slavery, Left-Wingers as those who use Government as a Proxy for an Absent Mother-Figure, Right-wingers who use Government as a Proxy for an absent Father-Figure, the Oxymoron of "Minarchy," the "Mainstream" Media as Paid Liars ("Presstitutes"), "New" Agers as naive abused children who identify as the Victim and won't talk about their Parental Abuse, the “What Can I Do?” Cop-out, Developing the Courage to take Real-World Action, Putting information out there for others, Sensory Depravation, Meditation, Open-Mindedness, the Core of Truth that lies past dogmatic religious belief, Parenting, Teaching Morality to children, Dwelling on Effects vs. Understanding Causes

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