What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 178
Date: 2014-12-06
Topics: Order Followers "The Bane of 21st Century Earth," the Definintion of Order-Following, the Difference between Following Orders and Exercising Conscience, Objective Right and Wrong, Using Judgement to determine the difference between Right and Wrong Behavior, Personal Responsibility, Justification for Order-Following, People who make excuses for Order-Followers are Nazi-Lovers, Order Followers have NO REAL COURAGE, Order-Followers are CULT MEMBERS, the Ancient Techniques used to dupe Cult Members throughout human history, Fundamentally Flawed Axioms which people repeat regarding Order-Followers: "They're not ALL bad," and "Their actions are evil, not them personally," Order-Followers ultimately work for Dark Occultists whether they realize it or not, the ability to admit that you were duped as the Measure of a REAL Man or REAL Woman
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