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What’s Worse Than One Bogged D11 -Vlog 11-

Published on 05 Mar 2023 / In Film & Animation


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See what I mean about the flood plains and flat lands... and getting bogged....
You know...

The big blue tractor - that has 8 HUGE flotation type tyres.... (2 on each corner) and it's all wheel drive and it's hit a soft spot - a crust on top and mud underneath and it's just sunk up the axles....

That would almost have to be one of the hardest vehicles ever to get bogged.... just short of a parked hover craft....

And then the 2 D9 bulldozers... "Broom, Broom Broom - Blahhhhhhhh" - Bogged.

I am quite excited to show you these kinds of things.....

Australia - Love it.

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TripeSwing 2 years ago

I would've lost my temper at least once. Perhaps these guys just edited that stuff out, but I suspect they were not doing so.

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What is the point in getting angry..... I mean it usually doesn't help and it often makes things worse.....

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TripeSwing 2 years ago

real man problems. great vid, thanks

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All this talk of getting bogged in the mud, out in the bush... makes me kind of horny - great place for a fuck and a picknic / BBQ.... have a pot of tea and a snooze on the blanket under a shadey tree fterwards...

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bigintol03 2 years ago

I didn't think you could get one of those dozers stuck!

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Easy..... Also there are bull dozers and there are bull dozers - These are made for hard work on firm ground, and there are other ones, made for light work on very soft ground. The D9's are BIG they have enormous amounts of power, low gearing, a very strong and heavy chassis and tracks that are of a suitable width and length (contact area) for most conditions.... But you see on these flood plains - these are drying out... but they still have soft areas and very soft spots - like meat pies - a crust on top and shit underneath... So you need LIGHT dozers, with small engines, light frames and very wide and long tracks (contact area) to spread the load over..... But even the 4 wheel drive tractor with the 8 big flotation tyres, that hit a soft spot and sunk up to the axles like that... That it the tractor I would have expected to be the last thing that ever gets bogged... it's the tractor you call in to drag everything else out... and it was up to it''s nuts in mud..... But see how once the tow was under way, how it floated up and out of the hole.... I have encountered these water logged soft spots a few times and am quite wary of them.... go off the sand covered dirt road by the length of your foot and your up to your floor pan in mud..

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Longshanks 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: know what you mean about the big tired tractor being the last thing one would expect to get stuck like that. I operated a heavy hauler in the oil sands for a year and whenever we'd get stuck the instructions to unstuck the truck we're the wiggle the tires against the hole and give it gas. The shaking of the tires gradually digs them out of the hole. You would have to dump any load and keep the bucket up to give it that extra leverage when digging the tires out.

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@Longshanks: Mining Trucks 797F - Whaaaaa Amazing... Have you seen this? ------

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I resposted a video on the Soviet Snow Tractors - live in mobile homes for the South Pole, that were made on top of old battle tank bases, and because the snow in many areas was very soft they had to make VERY WIDE tracks for them... and this was also an issue for the Nazis invading the Soviet Union, their sort of semi permafrost dirts (???) in the warm months, became swampy - and the Tiger tanks would tend to sink and get bogged, so they had to make WIDE low load tracks for them.... I am not absolutely dead sure but I think this is a photo that contains the misnamed "transport" and "combat" tracks...

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See the Tiger and other "really off road" tank tracks are like BIG wide and very deep treaded off road tyres... they are designed to bite into the soft ground and to also spread the load and to go up and down very steep angles and over swampy ground..... where as the D9 "conventional earth moving tracks" are narrow, and more basic...

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This is it: Check out how WIDE the specially built soft snow tracks are.... "Kharkovchanka" - The Colossal Soviet Antarctic Cruisers

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And if you look at the layout of the land - the road drops from a higher area (the river banks) and into a river base..... if you notice the erosion from recent water flows.... the ground is an old and usually slow flowing river base / flood way - there is dead grasses from long immersion along the side of the road in the basin, and the river base tends to be a composition of very high amounts of organic matter, which soaks up water, and turns to slime... and very fine sediment... clays etc... and when they get wet, with some vibration and movement, they go into liquifaction - they turn from wet sponge cake into pourable pancake mixture... ... These are dfferent soil properties on a meter by meter basis, depnding up on the elevation and water content, the duration of the flooding and how long it's had to dry out.... say down to a meter or so.

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Longshanks 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: the place I worked at was a bitumen mine, oil mixed with sand. Smelled great. But wouldn't catch fire from a match. Dynamite seems to have been the key to igniting it

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@Longshanks: The FAINT waft of bitumen is kind of nice, you know down wind of the new road works... but strong and up close... Nasty.

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