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What Tank Armour Can or Cant Do - The Evolution of Armour

Published on 07 May 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Councilof1 10 months ago

My grandfather worked on Sherman tanks in WW2. He called them Ronson's they would light on fire first time, anytime.

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Yeah - they used a radial aircraft engine - air cooled and they ran on petrol - instead of diesel.... The Krauts called them "Tommy Cookers".

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I think it was a Wright Radial - something like 28 liters, very light, reliable, and good power characteristics.. But petrol fueled engines - along with the petrol...... I used to run bit heat treatment furnaces that ran on diesel . I also used to design and build the injectors and sprayers / atomisers for the injectors..... and I can tell you that even when diesel is fogged so you cannot see 3 or 4" into the cloud - it still will not light.. If you had of done that with petrol - you would have been in orbit by then. Diesel as a liquid in a tank - has to be exposed to very very high temperatures to light it... and the fog or spray has to be atomised and sprayed into a very hot environment - think kind of like a frying pan full of fat so hot, it lights up... That kind of temperature. This is why people shit bricks about PETROL powered boat motors, INSIDE confined spaces, inside big boats etc.. But diesel motors - (almost) no problems... ever.... but the engine compartment should be forcibly ventilated anyway....

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He was generally quite good, except for the LYING about depleted uranium rounds not being toxic.
He is a cunt for doing that.

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