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What Type Of Society Do We Live In

Published on 12 Oct 2024 / In Film & Animation

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mrghoster 8 hours ago

As a MAN I've always taken responsibility, that is p[art of being a MALE, Today I still do, but that responsibility is to MYSELF only, I don't cover responsibility for femons asses at all even as far as just NOT getting involved with them at all for ANY reason not even accident's. I used to be a Corporate Medic for some years, but well no ticket anymore but I still have ALL I learned, but nope I wouldn't use one bit of it on saving a femon, because the CUNT would probably be making some guys life a misery somewhere? besides without a ticket to practice should I say i would probably be breaking the law and putting myself at risk, a risk I'm just no longer prepared to take. It also wont effect my conscience either, I have no conscience or feelings of guilt by not helping where femons are concerned. I look purely at femons as the Aliens in the Alien invasion they keep talking about, they are an Alien species that have the cheek to say they are Human! lol! don't make me laugh! I don't HATE femons that would bew degrding myself, I just do NOT have any worthy coinnection with the species or gender anymore, and THEY did that to me!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 7 hours ago

Femons are mostly all hateful people now, they think the world owes them something. All the things they have they have never earned it, they have stolen it from males. They want respect from men but give men none. They are just breeders in a over populated world

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mrghoster 7 hours ago

@SoloMan Zone: I agree, these CUNT's have been given a FULL Cookie Jar, emptied it and not refilled it but expect the cookies to mysteriously re-appear! Well we see the resultys of their entitled actions happenning right now? Anyway Who put the "TIT" in EnTITled"! lol! just saying lady's! lol!

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mrghoster 8 hours ago

Modern Femon's are the WAEKEST most PATHETIC that the fefail has ever been throughout history. They really rely totally on government handouts like not just money but law's to cover their asses more than they cover their own Asses, if you get my drift? This intervention and entitlement has made femons ultra WEAK in today's world and MEN "REAL MEN" that is are no longer obligated to help or have contact with them at all, and the law cannot do anything about it. Why? because the law has had what it wants out of femon's like vote's and money, and the hive mind all via Femon-ism. It is actually the MEN who are on the personal winning side. I have no probs helping a guy out if say he needs his car pushed to the road side or something, I'll even try to fix the car, But femon's I just do NOT register with at all. Lost count of the number of femons I've past on the road side, the risk isn't worth it. I remember reading about a guy I think in the US who stopped to help a femon one night when it's car broke down. whilst under the hood he asked her to move the torch and he guided where he wanted the light. the next day cop's turned up and arrested him for assault because he guided her arm to where he wanted the light "Remember to help fix her car" and she didn't like that. anyways it was thrown apparently out of Court. That guy swore he would never help a femon again. We do live in a Gynocentric society, ecause Gyno means fefail, and centric means the center of attention. we also really live in a Matriarchy as well not a Patriarchy as these CUNT's would say. Femons control by government, or shouyld i say TRY to control MEN and what WE do, that makes society a Matriachy by definition alone. Well The shit is just beginning to hit the fan or touch the cloth as you could say for the femon. The Grease on the pole dancing pole is now stopping these CUNT's from dancing and walking all over MEN. MEN are thriving and rebuilding themselves whilst femons fall into despair and deserved self induced destruction. In fact femons are really creating for the future a REAL Patriarchy that is already showing we don't take their SHIT anymore.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 8 hours ago

Men need to get respect back and pride and the only way is to have nothing to do with femons, that do nothing but moan and blame males for everything, they are useless trouble makers that are only still here because men allowed it

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mrghoster 7 hours ago

@SoloMan Zone: Yep, femons need to learn to come to MEN with their "Dutch Cap" in hand andd earn respect back from us. Good luck with thaat you CUNT's wont ever happen in my remaining life I know that! lol!

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sauger1001 11 hours ago

1:26. Even American football players were "compelled" to wear pink articles of clothing as part of their uniforms, somehow symbolizing Breast Cancer "Awareness"(?). Used to be just one game out of the season. Now? Any time. Funny how most femons I meet, still appreciate masculine men. Perhaps it'd be different if I was trying to date them. No thanks. Monk Mode for life, or... Lol.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 8 hours ago

All real men should ignore femons and their causes and support each other and send femons to Coventry

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James1225 15 hours ago

The type, one not worth defending or supporting. Clown World estrogen rich, testosterone deprived, will
Not LAsT….

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 8 hours ago

Femons are terrified of Masculine men, because they have no control over them

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WMHarrison94 7 hours ago

@SoloMan Zone: Women were not meant to be in controlled but rather to be controlled.

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WMHarrison94 16 hours ago

Well, you know religious devotees or Roman Catholic monks left to uhm study er I mean pray to God (El) all the time living simple lives of peace... so we just need a bigger monastery to be women er femon free. Maybe, we should buy an island... oh yeah, that retard femon captain... an island away from the shipping lanes. So... a peaceful, religious island retreat for men er "religious" monks only... Idk... think it could happen? I men it's like you can't take a shit without a femon interrupting... LOL! Nice idea though...

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 8 hours ago

Femon are in mens faces everywhere spewing their bullshit

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