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What Waits at the Top of Jacob's Ladder? | Jack Symes

Published on 04 Sep 2024 / In People & Blogs

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This is a clip from tomorrow's podcast release with philosopher and author Jack Symes. In it, he and Dr. Peterson discuss the peak of Jacob's Ladder and what the properties of God might be based on our current knowledge of the physical world.

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

And one more thing... Jacob's Ladder was likely a Babylonian Ziggaurat, a pyramidal stone structure, since it literally is a stairwell to the Heavens...

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

So... now let's talk about the Tree of Life since you brought it up... The Tree of Life is a feminine form, a Goddess... all women are based on Her. Ashereh the Tree of Life, the Stone Age and Bronze Age, God El's Consrot during Ritualized Sex rituals in the Age of Taurus, where the Atlanteans (in Spain) had the running of the bulls, still continued on to this day, and in their outposts Akrotiri, Santorini and Knossos, Crete the Leaping over Charging Bulls... the basis I think for the Athenians myth of their virgins both men and women fed to the Minotaur. Some dude in Athens bragged about how good the Athenians were as athletes, and the Cretans maybe King Minos too said bull shit... thus they sent athletes to Knossos to leap over charging bulls... but they got the horns... At least we have a good myth and the labyrinth, ie underground or ground level "maze" of the public marketplace under the "Palace complex." So, who is Ashereh? She was depicted as an attractive kind of slightly chubby woman with milky tits (Guess they liked having something to hold onto... her ass) and a Tree growing inverted out of her vagina... in Egypt (Avaris) she was depicted as a Triangle for Her Pussy with a Tree growing out of it (upright.) This Age of Taurus was marked by orgies or ritualized sex rites or "masses" gathering for worship... Hung like A Bull originated here and more importantly Aaron getting bitched out for making a golden bull to worship God El while Moses got His written Ten Commandments... the first Time. This is how I found out... I asked myself and God El why did the Israelites have to wait like what two hundred or three hundred years before they were freed from Egypt? Paradigm shift... End Times of Age of Taurus as the Astrological Age shifted from Taurus to Aries the Ram and Biblical Age of Laws, Moses' Laws. So, why don't we like worship the Tree of Life today? Because after Exodus, Israelite priestly nobility class decided to cancel the Tree of Life Ashereh demoting Her to demon whore and all Her priestesses shamed and likely stoned or witch burnings... some shifted to Canaanite or who the Greeks called them Phoenicians" witch goddess Ashtorath who also usurped her Ashereh poles, totem pole like structures in the Fertile Crescent... Thus, Western women hated men for over three eons, which we men first experienced as we listened to Feminists giving them suffrage... now, we all suffering for it. So, as I said often "Everything Is Connected: A Socratic Idea..." and I have archeologyical receipts...

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

Oh boy... where to begin? I often find it amusing how smart or intelligent people never see the obvious Truths... I myself sometimes fall into this category, but I have the (Holy) Spirit or His angels telling me if I miss it... or occasionally His Wife whispering it to me as well... So, where to begin? Why not inception? Most of us start here when some dude got lucky and the bitch he got lucky with and inside her pussy of course gets pregnant: The Spark of Life, actually is a spark in her dark womb , a bright light as ionic chain reactions harden her egg's outer membrane once penetrated to prevent retardation or er polyspermy, which we have instantly programmed cell death...

During that Spark of Life, God (El Elohim) put a piece of Himself, our Soul into said zygote. Thus, as we age, we perceive time... something the Spirit revealed to Saint Augustine... It is our Soul that allows us to perceive time: we remember the past, we live in present, and we plan or look forward to the future... we are like the only real species that does that. So... along that line, how is God (El) omnipresent and omniscient? Like Peterson, he tells you to clean your "room," though in this case it's yours or His temple, ie your ass... the whole body and mind. As the (Holy) Spirit, He cometh and goeth as He pleases because We are of Him, Divine through our Soul. Whenever demons, djinns, devils, or spirits try to enter our "clean" house or temple (clean if you follow His dictates and live a moral life), they need permission to enter. So the whole don't "invite a vampire in" has merit... or meaning. So, the Trinity is Mind (God El the Creator or Father), God the Son Jesus Christ (though I am leaning towards Yoshua Kristos since demons like calling themselves "Jesus" lately) the "Body" and the Spirit, ie the Holy Spirit... now personally, I am working out how or if this connects to the Goddess His Consort or Wife the Tree of Life Ashereh sort of paralleling how maternal mitochondrial DNA can be traced from our zygote's presence in the womb allow us ironically to trace to Mitochondrial Eve, which we had found in the Middle of Africa I believe like Congo... maybe, I need to double check that. So, that is the Image of God (El) in which were are made; Mind, Body, and Spirit/Soul. So, briefly, our Soul allows us to have creativity and drive... creativity is the bedrock for imagination ie the fine arts and innovation ie our engineering and troubleshooting abilities. Demonic hosts or whore do NOT have this...

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