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What Went Wrong with MGTOW- Label Corruption and Infighting - Part 3 of 7

Published on 03 Jun 2020 / In Film & Animation


A video by CS MGTOW who is no longer on youtube

Starkdusk Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0vKh-3Cv-g
Sandman Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i72qO9GLBPY
The Crisis Within MGTOW: https://youtu.be/LvyAbNPln6M
Bachelors vs MGTOW: https://youtu.be/p_UTyGu5eHQ

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mrghoster 5 years ago

Us original MGTOW habe mastered the Philosophy side of it. Yeh we all like a funny KAREN vid from time to time, but MGTOEWW is about learning and accepting we are ALL different so it means different things to each generation of MGTOW's? I don't have to be on here 24/7 to get some sort of fix? i come on about once a week or even longer. *I have my favorite content providers all of which are NOT moron's either. they have a balance of humor, and entertainment as well as good advice and info.

I have to admit tjhere is one type of MGTOW channel i avoid generally (with one or two exceptions) and that are these one's that have some KID talking over some video Game play or recording. Sitting at home on a game all day will teach you nothing about the real world and getting out their to face it/

I from the get go was out their I learned from being around women's insult's and now I'm TOTALLY IMMUNE. I'm Indifferent to women as a MGTOW Monk, being Monk is the best thing I have ever done for myself in this life. I wish I knew then when I was younger what I know and can cope with now. but wisdom comes with age and knowledge i guess?

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TAOGYOW 5 years ago

That's great. I'm happy you have found solice. Peace.

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mrghoster 5 years ago

I myself only go to channels that don't argue and in fight. The problem is if MGTOW became a Movement it would die quickly due to infiltration. MGTOW is basically a Modern Day version of Stoicism the philosophy of the individual the prepared MAN. sorry but i have to say iyt, those who in fight over what MGTOW is are NOT MGTOW, more likely Red Pill but Not MGTOW. MGTOW is about individual betterment and living YOUR life, not one someone else doesn't agree with? we already get enough of that from women and government. i'm glad you said these things as a warning to MGTOW who want to in fight. Peace.

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TAOGYOW 5 years ago

Thank you for posting this!

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