When an able bodied woman says she can't cook - kick her out. Angiest Pinned Comment Ever.
Published on 05 Feb 2024 / In
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In a world full of cook books, recipes, videos, and a billion and one ways to cook everything...
When a woman says, "I can't cook!" - it's because she never had to and no one ever made her - starting with her useless fucking parents....
And when she is 20, 30, 40 + years old - and still saying, "I can't cook" - well in 10 minutes a day:
You can dig up 5000 written recipes on the internet.....
You can pick up 4 or 5 good universal second hand cook books from the charity shop.
There are at least 1000 cooking lessons in Video on the Internet.
AND there have been countless times in the average persons life where they have also been with other people who ARE cooking - some times things like cakes, and meals for many... soups, stews, roasts, confectionary, and sandwiches...
Some times it's fairly simple and easy stuff...
You know - sausages, salad and a few bread slices..... and some sauce....
Or baked beans on toast...maybe with eggs and cheese...
AND she will eat all the food - as long as someone else is buying it... from every take away and restaurant under the sun....
Funny about that...
And the truth is she never got the recipes, she never got the ingredients, she never made her self follow the instructions, and she will stand there and tell you, she can't cook.
To stand there and claim she cannot even make bacon and eggs on toast or baked beans on toast - is such a fucking insult - that an ADULT woman who is 20 or 30 or 40 years old - who claims she can't cook - that is kind of in the realms of punching the useless cunt in the face - before you drag her out on to the street and leave her in the gutter....
This question, "So what are you like at cooking?" should be one of the mandatory up front questions on a coffee date......
Cooking ranks up there in difficulty and effort in the same basic life skills area, as pulling down your pants - before you take a shit.
It's that low an IQ level kind of a grip on reality.....
"Oh I can't cook" she says.
"Well I guess you can't fuck, feed, breed or run a house hold either - bye".
The just get up and walk out.
Never entertain idiots.