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When Ex-Bosses Come After You for Revenge

Published on 23 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation
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NeoGeoGamer 8 months ago

One of my greatest regrets is not suing the pants off of a shitbag company that set me up to fail in order fire me. I had a case and didn't know it because I didn't talk to a lawyer until it was too late.

The advice to make up a fake company and call for a reference to check that they're not bad-mouthing you is great. I wish I had done this back when I had questions about this. Take a roadtrip to a one-party consent state, keep your motel receipt, record the conversation, put on a fake voice, and if they say cross the line, take it to a lawyer.

Fuck these scumbags who want to put people on the street. It's one thing to fight over who eats, but this is more like poisoning someone's food. They don't gain, they just want to see you worse off.

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