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Publicado em 19 May 2024 / Em
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▶▶ LONG TONGUES... (USA) : https://www.mgtow.tv/v/Pz6E2L
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I also noticed this was a women (be it an Ugly one)! that didn't put the seat down, yet they moan when MEN leave the seat up? Just shows how fucking lazy fefail CUNTS are because they don't know how to put a seat down? lol! by the way i love the old 70's cinema lead in! It may sound odd, but I collect lift ans supermarket muzak, Some of that stull is brilliant musically! do you remeber the Pearle and Dean intro at the cinema?
A women caught in the act of "CLEANING" something, no one taught her HOW to clean a toilet though! lol! I bet when this CUNT talks she is a real "POTTY" mouth! My God! That was "WHORE-ific to watch. It look's like shit so I guess it feels at home. The biggest question is that however much I rack my brains I cannot see how this is remotely SEXY! lol! Maybe it was trying to get a used condom out of the pan to eat so itr could get pregnant? sorry bitch it doesn't work that way. It's a myth about the poking sperm from outside after sex will get women pregnant. It is a Scientific FACT anyone can check that a male Sperm dies within 3 to 5 second's of exposure to air, this is why Males produce so much and only ONE will fertilize the egg in the women ()IF she is lucky) or you are UNLUCKY. Just thought I would drop that factoid in their for you. when we did the reproductive system when I was at school in the 1960's we were told thiss in the biology lesson. A WHOR could tip a buckety of sperrn in her cunt but if it has had contact with the air not one of those sperm will survive or make it. This is why a Guy has a Dome on the end of his Cock and even a foreskin, to create an air tight seal. God women are so fucking stupid! lol!
The outro looks more Star Wars than prequels and Disney film SW. Then R2 comes out beep booping.
The funny thing is the whole women vs AI thing. Doesn't everyone love R2? Not in that way, but ya know. A reliable AI friend with a personality. Then the rollyball droid from the newer films and most people liked that. So what's wrong with seksbots for men? Shocking that Star Wars doesn't already have that. You know it would if SW was reality. I loved the short robo-waifu scene in Interspecies Reviewers. The JP voice emulating robot voice oh god. She was a proper waifu bot of course. Cute, big titties, etc.
Most people are glued to their phones in public so what's the problem? We could start a brand called Smartwives. Use that stupid Smart term they throw on everything including popcorn these days. It's is Smart Clown World in Russia Doggk? You go to the grocery and you see Smartapples. Smartnoodles. Smartpeanuts. Make a real Smart device seksbot without the shitty Smart tech which always malfunctions quickly. I'm kind of worried our food has Smartmicrochips in it so are we not becoming bots anyways? Now can a Smartwife consume Smartpopcorn? Maybe that's what "Smartfoods" are really for regarding the future? They just haven't revealed that part yet. I'm not buying any Smartfoods, but I would smash a Smartwife bot. After hacking it so it's not a corpo spying on me with Smarttech. Studying my semen and everything.
Proves they will do anything for attention or money or both.......these are suppose to be the mothers of our babies