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When Low Tier God gets It RIGHT.... IT HITS HARD!

Published on 05 Aug 2023 / In Film & Animation

People hate this guy. But how can you hate him when hes saying this???

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 1 year ago  

Was he right?

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sauger1001 1 year ago

My father raised my siblings and me differently than most blacks, bc LBJ's policies hadn't taken effect yet. Later they did, and even though my mother bought into their liberal bullshit, we didn't listen to her, even after they divorced in '75. Today, the young dude has a point. The reason for the division is simple: We've rejected the Creator, and HE has left us to our own devices. Now, 90% of black homicides are caused by other blacks. 75% of black households are run by single mothers. That would explain the feminine black man and the masculine "independent" waaah☻️men. Me? I stay a lone wolf, and am fine with being single until I die. Not much time left, imo.

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 1 year ago

@sauger1001: Good comment, sauger. I think the 'Feminine black man' should really be called 'The emasculated black man'. And the masculine black woman was definantly thanks to the white slave owners for empowering her. The masculine black woman was responsible for watching over the slaves and making sure none of them escaped. This was a really empowering thing for her considering she was a slave as well. So with that said, she was treating black men like shit even durring captivity. And she did it thinking she would win favor with the white slave owners for her own liberation. And the white man allowed her to shit on black men ad nauseam. Many black women today do not realize that this is where their behaviour comes from. And of course, the white man allows her to continue treating black men like shit today. She will never learn. I feel for my black brothers as they have inhereted some bullshit that will not allow them to sustain as a people.

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 1 year ago

Funny, I did a video about this in the first season of 'Eggy's hermetic crucible'. I might have to repost that here.

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MSR82 1 year ago

I only know of this guy because he's considered a lolcow the FGC (Fighting Game Community) for always raging when losing, verbally abusing people that try to give him advice then banning them, saying other nonsensical things as well. The list goes on here. He's a clown for being immature and unfair for the things he says and does, and rightfully so.

...But in this case he hits the nail on the head. I am black as well. Me and another friend of mine realized over a decade ago that the black race has been damaged beyond repair. Long before my birth black men were considered the pinnacle of masculinity and had high rates of healthy marriages and properly structured families- look the fuck at us now. Of course this is happening to all men and families now all over the west, but blacks were part of the experiment on how to destroy families- it worked so well because our women wanted free and easy money from the government. Now our own race is truly fucked, at least here in America. Perhaps in other nations they can be salvaged where some modicum of normalcy is still in place. Like the man said, either escape to somewhere you can either be at peace with no one to bother you or maybe even raise a family.

But yeah, in order to be successful/rich we have to make ourselves into clowns for other's entertainment. The most desperate ones even willing to put on dresses and the like for a check- it will never be me I promise you that.

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 1 year ago

Hey MSR82, Yeah, im in the fighting game community and I've known of him for quite some time. He has brilliantly created a revenue stream from being hated and rage quitting. But his non-gaming content is actually really good. He makes good points. hes a good dude. What we have to remember is that propaganda is doing half of the work of destroying black people in america. It celebrates the worst of black people. The problem is that white Americans in this country know that it is a dominant white society and believe everything the media tells it about other cultures and black people. What really frustrates me is how for many white Americans, the line that divides propaganda and Reality are almost non-existant. So when they meet a black person who is not a rapper, is articulate, doesnt speak ebonics, they treat them like hes some kind of alien from another planet or like he is somehow being FAKE. I'm Swiss, technically, i shouldnt be saying shit but we didnt treat Africans like this back home. This shit is cold-blooded. I've seen it with my own eyes. And if its an articulate black women, she gets a pass. Read my respnse to Sauger1001 on this video as i explained where that comes from. See? They dont celebrate blacks who are NOT trash or hood, because they dont want to see a society of intelligent and equally educated black people. Its against their interests. Even if 90% of the existing black population were educated, not ghetto, spoke english and carried on as good American people, the media would glorify the other 10% of that society. then they celebrate that 10% as if to say "those are THE REAL BLACK AMERICANS". And it comes across this way too. And I'm not going to lie, when I came to America, I was told NOT to befriend black people. I went against the grain. My black friends are the kind of people you can BUILD something with. But American media has the country convinced that the kind of black people I know do not exist in American society. So, yeah.. LTG is right, but he is only HALF RIght.

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