When The Left Turned On Feminism...
Published on 05 Jul 2022 / In
People & Blogs
We are all used to the opposition to feminism coming from rightwing circles and so-called traditional conversatives but recent years have seen an uptick in people on the left turning on it too.
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She does not matter. Fifty years of rot. Men have voted with their feet and are NEVER coming back.
No matter how it works out in the end it's been the best show in town.
Professional Agitators
What gave me cause for thought was when the fat blond POS was up on the bin and in looking at that crowd - with her loud hailer in hand, I was thinking - who is behind this? This is a professionally orchestrated event, with all the standing participants like managers, photographers, internal security etc., who is finiancing this and who is getting paid and who are the dumb fucks rallying to the cause etc.,
Those signs for the most part are not random scrawlings of idiots - this is all highly political and organised - scruffy shits or no....
They are Friends of Dan Andrews.....
These shit trips do not have the look nor the feel of a randomised "flash mob" - it was an all militant commie operation.
I have noticed the brain dead trolls that occassionally hassle me - coming out with the same kind of organised stupidity - I think the idea is to confront them on a tactical point by point attack, and then block them - because they back up their assertions with different assertions, and when they get shoved back on point - they explode...
Chaos eventually destroy itself.