RedPIll pt 15 - RedKnight
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When will the madness of #metoo Stop
Published on 11 Mar 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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On an individual level, the women will stop when they have starved to death in the streets and are eaten by dogs....
So they are spread all over the countryside as dog shit.
Awesomely dark night --- Yeah the #metoo - had it's victims for sure.....
But in the big picture - the women are suffering the consequences of their own actions....
They have become unfuckable liabilities.....
They are not fit to be "girl friends / companions / wives / mothers / parents / house wives" - they are pig ignorant and nasty fucking trash...
They are utilities of the jew banking and advertising industry to rip all men off - for everything....
They are stupid, low IQ, easy to manipulate, pawns...
If you can steer enough of them in particular directions with particular ideas, then they become movements - like the Borg in star Trek...