When you sleep with someone this spiritually happens....
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Published on 24 Apr 2024 / In
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7:40. Sounds like another form of post nut clarity.
I really like the thumbnail: It caught my attention.
I seriously did not intend to write it that long... though I might make a video on it.
Interesting video... I don't know if I wholeheartedly agree, but he did touch on three Truths: 1. The Holy Spirit resides in us, His temple if it is clean. 2. Sex is often used to corrupt or infect... leading to other sins, so like a gateway drug and I know Satanists and demonic cults seduce men into joining by using their enslaves whores to bring them into orgies and the guilt he mentioned: However, sex is not inherently evil. Genesis Book 1 and 2 did not say "Go Forth and Marry." It said to go forth and multiply and in Book2 it was implied... because these are two separate events though Lilith has been edited out of Book2 to push a Narrative, a Great Lie to Deceive all men and whores as it were. Whores are more naive and gullible and often the first to cause the uhm, gateway phenomenon. In my opinion, having died and returned more than once and having learned more about the forgotten or Hidden History as well as being a part of the Occult (I have no choice my eyes were opened in death) and having been involved with witchcraft and fucking some witches or at the lest fucking around with, with the exception of Satanic witches-- they are so fucking hateful you can see the hate spewing from their eyes...
Lilith did nothing wrong: She was like "Hey, you like sex and you like being on top, but I am fine with that just let me be on top a couple of times..." Adam being the sheep he was and having walked every where did not realize you could ride a horse, zebra or pony and thus be ridden like one... No, he turned into a prideful "No. I am man and I am on top during sex." I think that may be a contender for first sin PRIDE, it has caused the Devil, the Arch Angel Samael to fall... also by refusing to bow to Adam. I believe though original sin was either breaking the Rule of God and eateth of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil or more likely "Lying" about it-- though Adam did nothing wrong saying this woman you maketh from my rib (stem cells) thus gaveth me the apple and I did eateth. In Lilith's view, Adam and her were created together to be paired while in the Garden of Eden or rather the Paradiso of Eiden, paradiso is a walled garden-- part of the wall was the mountain thus "God El" was the King of the Mountain, a very ancient epithet... Tolkien mirrored it as "King Under The Mountain" in the Hobbitt-- very genius move too. While Eiden, therefore refers to plan westward of the Walled Garden guarded by well "cupids" but they were fierce warriors with flaming swords then and artists redefined them later the Cherubim. Funny, we know the Hobbitt exists now, but to Tolkien, the Hobbitt was the little people, the uncivilized country cooth bumpkins with their nobility in friendship and merry-making, none of them engaged in educated idolatry and trickery of the cities. Thus, the little people's virtue and innocence is what would win the war, the "band" of brothers as it were, and he was correct. He saw this happen in the Great War being an army officer himself. The Seven Gates to Heaven (or Paradise) is also related to this derived from "Seven Gorges to Paradise." Gorges are mountain passes and from Babylon a messenger had to traverse the seven gorges to the paradiso and he wrote about it: Hence, we now know where Eden is or rather was before the Flood and today. Spoiler, there is a city built upon it... pollution and all,. Now, Lilith did say fuck this and ran off disobeying God El of Israel. God El sent his angels to retrieve her and she said fuck off and then Adam having been fucking and now not fucking though still divine sat in melancholy or depression. His bitch told him off because he would not let her sit atop of him, ride him like a pony... yeah if only Adam rode horses back then. So, God El seeing his prized creation in depression put him under anesthesia and drew out some costal stem cells and modified them to make Eve... My question is was she Eve, a subservant sex toy to please him or a curse for not only letting Lilith go but also pissing her off into defiance. Today, I am leaning towards a curse. I plan to exploit this plot point in a series I am writing about dragons... So... more on that later.
I do not think sex is evil, but I have been noticing a lot more anger in society and in myself... I was assuming it was from chemicals in our food and drinking water... but angry at not being sexually fulfilled both in and outside of marriage... spiritual anger perhaps or the lust demons pushing us into anger... the porn quenches the sexual addiction much like sex dolls relieving the physical drive from our hormones and their whore moans... So... he may have a point there... just saying. I think it is like coffee: If you sleep regularly, coffee gives you that pick me up at work or in the morning when you need it, but substituting coffee for sleep leads to burn out, obesity likely, and well general malaise.. substituting porn for sex can do that but using to nip the urges is a band-aid not a cast... the sex doll and as TFM says loosing some pounds during he honeymoon phase is the cast.
3.Most if not all people are not strong enough to overcome addiction: It can be overcome though and usually requires God El's support and through the Holy Spirit to accomplish it. It needs to be brought into the open and sunlight shone upon it to kill the infection. The Holy Spirit is stronger in His community and people grow together in strength... so he is correct on that too. The real question is as we enter into the Age of Revelations (mid 2040s) when the feminine Divine is reemerged into Judahism and Christianity (I doubt demonic Islam with their pedophiles will allow it.) The Tree of Life reunited with God El as they were during the fertility rites of the Age of Taurus (and Atlantis with its bull games... running with the bulls and leaping over charging bulls) and we know this because when Jacob, who becomes Israel "He Who Struggles With God El" both in the sense he met God El and wrestle physically in the wilderness with Him and he struggles through life's challenges with El having his back... he slept at the fertility cult site Luz and his God El was known there... yeah, He and His Consort Ashereh (The Tree of Life with her Ashereh Poles) were fucking there during the fertility rites. Of course He knew the place! Later, they renamed it Beth-el, the House of God and stored the Ark of the Covenant there until Solomon build His temple. So, as you can see all of this is connected... So, why do women hate men? Well, after entering into the Age of the Ram, the Biblical Age of Laws, Moses' Laws, the "women" were stripped of their power and the cult practices and priestesses of Ashereh were disbanded and humiliated. Women never forgave us hating us men every since, or so the Holy Spirit told me. The "left over" women joined the Canaanite witch goddess cult of Ashtorath... and so... here we are today... (of course the women's bodies, their genes remember being stretched and liking it when they traded their sexuality likely virginity ti the Fallen Angels for knowledge, since knowledge is power and that knowledge was astrology, which women will never give u. They can not accept they were played. Now, here we are today where these retarded whores with less gray matter think or rather believe they know better... Huh-uh!