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When You Talk to an American....

Published on 16 Sep 2024 / In Film & Animation

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MSR82 4 months ago  

I honestly don't see the appeal in many of the things we do, mainly consumption of alcohol & drugs and mutilating the body with tattoos & piercings. Doing the aforementioned things to me I just see as willfully destroying my own mind and body. I have zero desire to do these things and that will remain true throughout my life.

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 4 months ago

I dont either. The drinking and drugs are the worst of it all. He is right about the mental health crisis. i did 2 episodes about the mental health crisis and how it is the zombie apocalypse. Its sad that i live in America and have no desire to meet Americans. . And thank you for not hating on this guys videos. Hes really saying things Americans cant stand hearing right now, but we all need to hear it before entiring WW3.

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MSR82 4 months ago

@Eggy Noggy: I'll admit ot not being the most philosophical person out there, but even I know it's crucial to have an open mind about things and listen to as many opinions as possible. Sadly, so many people are lost causes that even I've given up on trying to converse with them. Example- at my old job during the early days of Covid protocols they were all in on the nonsense. Wear your mask, social distance, heavy pressure to get vaccinated, etc. One day I could feel myself starting to hyperventilate from wearing a damn mask all day while walking around. I lowered the mask for a minute and one of my co-workers saw that and tried to give me shit about it. Told him it's not a big deal to lower the mask for a bit but the idiot was so indoctrinated we got into a small argument. Last thing I said was something about losing our freedom of privacy because of a hilarity to something that is basically a slightly worse version of the flu. If we're so eager to go along with this shit then it'll begin a slippery slope to more intrusive rules and laws- you have to draw a line and tell these people no or things will only get worse. This person replied, and I quote: "Hey man you sound like a Trumper." I was so disgusted by that braindead reply I just silently walked away. Never conversed with the guy again. To be clear, my disgust with him was not because of him looking down on Donald Trump, but because I knew that the guy did not have a mind of his own and just follows the mainstream narrative of "Trump bad". He didn't even try to think about his own opinion- he just thought "Oh man this guy sounds like Trump. I should watch out for this guy because the talking box said so."

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 4 months ago

@MSR82: Yes indeed. I saw a similar thing during covid as well. Covid showed me just how authoritarian our American brothers and sisters really are. And its a shame. Because when SHTF, these people will be more dangerous than the actual invaders. I judge Americans by their actual actions and not just whats coming out of their mouths simply because most of them expect to be taken at their word. I didnt come to this country to hate on Americans... But my god, these people can be more retarded than the fucking Dutch. lol.

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