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Where Are All The Good Men? - MGTOW

Published on 22 Sep 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Where Are All The Good Men?


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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Rob and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hey Sandman, Use this for any topic you wish. Keep on being strong." well Rob thank you and I wanted to share with everyone what I consider the spiritual successor the MGTOW Subreddit that was shut down. That of course is the "Where Are All The Good Men?" subreddit. Women over on Female Dating Strategies are celebrating the banning of the MGTOW Subreddit but they are still complaining that the right types of men won't commit to them and that they want a well endowed man with a big shwing shwangs. They insist that men should pay 100% on all dates and they give desperate women plenty of reasons to dump the wrong men. The Female Dating Strategy subreddit is not a show of strength from women. It's a show of desperation. They are having to work really hard to secure the commitment of men they consider satisfactory. They have become desperate mercenaries with mammaries. But that's not what I want to talk about. I found a very interesting post on Where are all the good men called which has a 1983 New York Times article called: "ONE APPROACH TO THE SHORTAGE OF MEN IS SHARING". It's about a woman named Audrey that was coaching women in Washington DC about having realistic expectations about men forty years ago just as women were entering the workplace. She was offering a workshop back then called: "Man Sharing: Dilemma or Choice." She doesn't expect women to share the top men with other women but she wants women to recognize the problem. Of course women don't want to share. The top men don't want to be able to provide financial security to three or four women. If a wealthy guy tried doing that it would be the equivalent of only one woman dating a man she finds well beneath her. I'll discuss more in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman: Anyways, now back to five women sharing one rich man clown world show. This article from 1983 mentions that in 1980 there were 86 males for every 100 females in New York. It was 90 in Chicago and 93 in Denver. Nothing has changed since that time. The male population in general is about 4-5% larger than the female population and yet there are still more women in the big cities by 10-15%. Perhaps the reason big cities are getting so bad because women are the majority of voters in them and they vote for overspending? This tells me all I need to know about how to get away from gynocentrism. If you want to live in a place that treats men well and your vote counts and goes farther then move to a smaller town where the majority of the voters are men and where they will vote for sane local government policies. Or a state or province in a larger country that is gynocentric. It all comes down to the sex ratio which will determine if your state is capitalist or communist. Red or Blue. For example Commiefornia and New York State have much more women living in them than men. If you want to move to a country that will stay republican make sure it has a lot more men living in it than women. Pinal County in Arizona has 109.2 men for every one hundred women. It has voted for a Republican president every year since 2000. Women need to move to a county like that if they want to find a good man. But most won't unless they are desperate. Women moved to the cities to find all the good men. But the coof is going to make it even more difficult for women to find a good man because I suspect a lot of office space will stay empty for a very long time. That means good men with good jobs can work from anywhere. It used to be easy for women to identify the stomping grounds for the good men in the past.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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WindSage 3 years ago

Also if everyone is working remotedly, every communication will be logged. He said, she said cases at the workplace should be easier to figure out. Considering what happened with the Sony hack where the hackers found emails of execs dissing some actors.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

Wait, you want women to be in the workplace.

That sounds very feminist Sandman.
But then again, it's not like it matters at this point anyway.

I'm sure Sandman is betting on the fact that women will pay for his augmented sex reality idea.

And I personally don't see it becoming a reality.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

Women in pain marketing. Damn sandman, your right ; )

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Leader_Desslok 3 years ago

The good men are out looking for the few if any good women left. They are avoiding dating sites and social media because that is where the hoes are. The thots are looking for stability from a relationship with a man that dosen't want to go anywhere near them. the 80% of thots are looking for the 20% of "good men" when that train has left the station long ago. The 20% are taken already !

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CobaltSteel 3 years ago

Men are avoiding all the "toxic femininity". That's where the went. Duh!

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